新概念3 lesson 1 A puma at large 超详细教案.docx

新概念3 lesson 1 A puma at large 超详细教案.docx

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新概念3 lesson 1 A puma at large 超详细教案

lesson 1 A puma at large[词汇讲解]1. puma: a large cat-like animal 美洲狮猫科动物相关词汇: lion tiger leopard 豹 jaguar 美洲虎 cougar 美洲豹 cheetah 猎豹 said to be the fastest animal in the world. It can run as fast as 160 kilometers per hour.lynx 大山猫panther 黑豹 a black leopard 2. at largelarge--powerful-out of controleg. The desperate criminal is still at large.近义词escape: to get away from a dangerous situation that is likely to harm you if you do not leave 逃跑flee away: run away from danger 跑开scatter away:run away in different directions 四散逃跑evade tax 逃税desert ones army 从部队开小差cut class 学生逃课3. spot n./v. n. 点,斑点 a beauty spot 美人痣 solar spot 太阳黑子spotlight 聚光灯,公众注意的中心--be in the spotlightTom Cruise is in the spotlight in American film industry. (to achieve a lot of attention)A leopard will not change its spot. 江山易改,本性难移。on the spot at once, immediately 立刻、马上Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.at the place of the action 在现场Wherever she is needed, she is quickly on the spot. v. to see or find sth with difficulty 不易察觉 A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd.近义词observe: to see and notice sth (正式) 观察、观测discover:to find sth already in existence 发现本来就已经存在的东西recognize:to figure out sth/sb known already 认出以前熟悉的人或物detect:to disclose something hidden or in disguise (用仪器)探测explore:to examine sth thoroughly in order to test or find out about it 彻底和仔细的有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站和勘查Internet Explorer 网络浏览器4. evidence n. 证据(不可数名词)an important piece of evidencewitness 证人judge 法官jury 陪审团court of law 法院self-evident a. 不言自明的in evidence: 显而易见的5. oblige: be made to do sth by law or morality 通过法律或道义上感觉必须做某事(often in passive voice)常用被动feel obliged to do 感觉有必要做某事be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事eg. Men feel obliged to take the responsibility for family. 6. hunt v 打猎,狩猎hunt for 搜寻,寻找hunt for a job,go hunting forjob hunter 四处找工作的人head hunter 猎头近义词run after 强调追赶seek 追寻(梦想、理想)=pursuechase 追赶search 搜寻某处为了寻找....8. human being(s) (God and animal)mankind 人类eg. in the long history of the mankind 在人类历史的长河中human race 人类种族群体9.


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