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Unit 1 一.短语 1. 在星期天的早上on Sunday morning 2. 在星期六的下午on Saturday afternoon 3.去公园散步 go for a walk in the park 4.很高兴见到他们(两种)Nice to meet them/ Glad to see them 5.坐在大树下聊天have a chat under a big tree 6.一个双胞胎妹妹 a twin sister 7.看起来一样的 look the same8.与你双胞胎哥哥一样高as tall as your twin brother 9.比我小二十分钟 twenty minutes younger than me10.想要做某事want to do sth 11.家里的独生子the only child in the family12.他在这 Here he is. 13.告诉某人某事tell sb sth 14.和某人谈话 talk with sb 15.这个穿着黑衣服的男子the man in black16.苏海的叔叔Su Hai’s uncle 17.做一个猜谜游戏play a guessing game 18.看苏海的全家照 look at Su Hai’s family photo 二.句子 1.谁更小,你还是我? Who is younger, you or me? 2.我与小明的朋友一样高.I’m as tall as Xiao Ming’s friend. 3.他比我大三岁. He is three years older than me. 4.我比她更幸福. I am happier than her. 5.他有兄弟姐妹吗? Does he have sisters or brothers? 6.我妈妈说吉米也是他的孩子. My mum says Jimmy is also her child. 7.他有一个弟弟. He has a brother. 8.我是苏海.你是谁?(电话用语)This is Su Hai . Who is that? 9你多大了? How old are you? 10.这儿是一些卢灵玉的图片. These are some of Lu Lingyu’s pictures. 11.这头大象比那头熊更大. The elephant is bigger than that bear. 12.这只猫比那只猫更胖. The cat is fatter than that cat. 13.小明的狗比我的狗更瘦. Xiao Ming’s dog is thinner than mine. 14.谁的书包更重啊,你的还是我的? Whose bag is heavier, yours or mine? 15.我想你的尺比我的尺更长. I think your ruler is longer than mine. 16.我正在读书.我的父母正听着我读书.这只狗正看着我. I am reading. My parents are listening to me. The dog is looking at me. 17.苏海的叔叔比他的爸爸更高更强壮. Su Hai’s uncle is taller and stronger than his father. 18.大家都想做足球守门员. Everyone wants to be the football goalkeeper. 19.看这些图片,读他们正在说的话. Look at the pictures and read what they are saying. 20.我要做最好的学生. I want to be the best student. 21.我的朋友比玛丽高三厘米,重九千克,大三岁. My friend is three cm taller and nine kg heavier and three years older than Mary. Unit 2 一.短语 1.让我们做更多的运动let’s do more exercise2.擅长于英语和数学be good at English and Maths 3.体育方面做得不好don’t do well in PE 4.想要做的更好 want to do better 5.帮助我做功课help me with my lessons 6.跑得比我快 run faster than me 8.别担心 Don’t worry 7.我们班的一些同学some of the students i


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