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DEBATE Human cloning SHARK PK NOTHING CONTANT: 引入者:(正方一辩) Did you ever imagine having a child that is the exact replica of you? Did you ever imagine of having the cure for heart disease or cancer? Well, these fantasies are not far from reach. The way we could reach these fantasies is through a process called cloning. Cloning is the replication of an exact genetic copy of an organism by use of a somatic tissue (or cell) from the donor organism. Cloning can be used in humans, human organs, or even animals. There are many advantages and disadvantages of cloning. 引入者:(反方一辩) One disadvantage is whether if cloning is ethical. Cloning will bring up a great controversy on whether if cloning is the “right” thing to do or not. This controversy is currently going on right now and will be even a greater controversy if the government allows cloning. Many people think that nature should just take its course. 正方二辩: A benefit of cloning is cloning human organs or body parts. If a person has a dysfunctional liver or heart then they could get it cloned and get a brand new one. These are some of the benefits of cloning. 反方二辩: Another disadvantage of cloning is that it has not been perfect yet. The cloning of the sheep Dolly had 276 failures before successfully cloning a sheep. With these kinds of figures we should not even go near trying to demonstrate cloning on humans.Someone is going to do it, legal or illegal. But it seems only logical to do it under strict government supervision with the best trained professionals rather than letting some maniacal(癫狂的) scientists do it and let his clone run loose.Now cloning is banned in the United States. The government is not supporting the experiment of cloning through any means. 正方三辩: Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful for Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’


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