using land wisely (合理利用土地)原文加翻译.doc

using land wisely (合理利用土地)原文加翻译.doc

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using land wisely (合理利用土地)原文加翻译

Using Land Wisely A very important world problem-in fact, I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems which face us at the present time-is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.一个十分重要的世界性难题(事实上我更倾向于说它是我们目前所面临的所有世界性大难题中最重要的)是对于土地和土地资源来说快速增长的人口压力。 It is not so much the actual population of the world but its rate of increase which is important. It works out to be about 1.6per cent per annum net increase. 重要的是人口的增长率,而不是实际世界人口数量。世界人口正大约以每年1.6%的净速率在增长。 In terms of numbers this means something like forty to fifty-five million additional people every year-Canada has a population of twenty million-rather less than six months, climb in world population. 从数字上看来,这意味着,甚至在少于六个月的时间里,世界人口中就会增加大约40,000,000到55,000,000个人。Take Australia. There are ten million people in Australia. So, it takes the world less than three months to add to itself a population which peoples that vast country. 以澳大利亚为例,那儿有一千万人口,所以只需要花费不到三个月的时间增长的世界人口数就能达到这个硕大的国家的人口水平。 Let us take our own crowded country-England and Wales: forty-five to fifty million people-just about a Years supply. By this time tomorrow, and every day, there will be added to the earth about 120,000 extra people - just about the population of the city of York. 再以人口密度大的国家—英格兰和威尔士为例,45,000,000到50,000,000的人口相当于一年的世界人口增长量。直至今日,每天地球上都会多出12万人口,这相当于约克市的人口数量。 I am not talking about birth rate. This is net increase. To give you some idea of birth rate, look at the second hand of your watch. Every second three babies are born somewhere in the world. Another baby! Another baby! Another baby! You cannot speak quickly enough to keep pace with the birth rate. 我在讨论的不是出生率,而是净增长。为了让你大概了解出生率,请看着手表的秒针,每一秒都有三个婴儿在世界的某个地方出生。一个!又一个!再一个!你说的再快也赶不上出生率。 This enormous increase of population will create immense problems. By A.D- 2000, unless something desperate happens, there will be as many as 7,000,000,000 people on the surface of this earth! So this is a problem which you are going to see in your l


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