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新形势下发展两岸关系的指导方针(上)Guidelines to developing Cross-Straits Relations under new circumstances(PART 1)(for)(in the new situation)练习译文标准译文翻译技巧说明第一,坚持一个中国原则决不动摇。The primary guideline is adhering to the 1 China Principle unswervingly, which is the cornerstone of developing Cross-Strait Relations and achieving China’s peaceful reunification of the motherland.First, unswervingly adhere to the one-China principle.serves as两岸关系 Cross-Straits Relations新形势 in new situation绝不动摇 unswerving(ly)基石 cornerstone一个中国原则 one-China principle坚持……原则/方针/政策/精神 adhere to=stick to坚持一个中国原则,是发展两岸关系和实现祖国和平统一的基石。是……的…… serve as1949年以来,尽管两岸尚未统一,但大陆和台湾同属一个中国的事实从未改变。The fact that both mainland China and Taiwan belong to 1 China has never changed since 1949, despite that they are not yet reunified.one and the samealthough the two sides这就是两岸关系的现状。This is the very status quo of Cross-Strait Relations, which not only is our standing point, but is also legally written in current regulations and documents of Taiwan.现状 status quo这不但是我们的立场,也见之于台湾现有的规定和文件。Not only is the mainland committed to this stand, but Taiwan authorities are found to have taken the same position in their existing provisions and documents as well.立场 (commit to=take) …stand=position现有的 existing规定 provisions=stipulations 不能用regulation既然台湾和大陆同属一个中国,就不存在所为大陆和台湾谁吞并谁的问题。Since Taiwan and mainland China belong to one single China, there exists no such question as who annexes whom between them.Given the fact thatand the sameshould be吞并 annex=gobble=swallow up当前两岸关系发展困难的症结,在于台湾当局拒绝一个中国原则,不承认体现一个中国原则的“九二共识”。At present, The sticking point of the difficulty in developing Cross-Strait Relations lies in the fact that Taiwan authorities denies 1 China Principle and the ‘1992 Consensus’ which stated this principle.the development ofhave either rejected theor refused to recognizeembodies症结 sticking point=crux台湾当局 Taiwan authorities九二共识 the 1992 Consensus体现 embody解铃还须系铃人。As a Chinese saying goes, Whoever started the trouble should end it.解铃还须系铃人 Whoever star


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