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商誉论文(张乐 )

( 二〇一四年三月 摘 要 如今的经济市场,发展日新月异,企业兼并不断出现,不断有新的企业在蚕食着旧的企业,商誉这一词语也越来越频繁的见诸报端,王老吉状告加多宝更是将商誉这一词语再一次带入了人们的视线。正是由于商誉这个企业无形资产不断的在市场经济中出现。所以,目前不论在实物界还是在学术界,对于商誉的研究达到了一个高峰。如今的市场是世界的市场,经济也是全球的经济,在这个大背景下,商誉的作用会越来越大。因此,建立完善的商誉体系、明确商誉的会计处理,是现在一个十分迫切的问题。加强人们对商誉的认识和尊重,对其进行确认保护是当前对商誉处理的重中之重。正是以上的原因,使得我们更应该重视商誉的研究,在本文首先了商誉的、、,从方面对商誉。 Todays market economy , rapid development , corporate mergers emerging, there are always new companies to gobble up old business , goodwill this word has become increasingly frequent in newspaper sued wanglaoji JDB is the quotient once again the reputation of this word into the peoples attention . It is because of this goodwill intangible assets continue to appear in the market economy . So, now , whether in academia or in the real sector , the study reached a peak of goodwill . Todays market is a world market economy is the world economy , in this background, the role of goodwill will increase. Therefore , to establish a sound reputation system, a clear accounting treatment of goodwill , is now a very pressing issue. Strengthen peoples awareness and respect of goodwill , to confirm its protection is a top priority for the current treatment of goodwill . It is the above reasons , making our goodwill should pay attention to more research in this paper introduces the concept of goodwill , in essence , constitute a factor as well as the history , describes these aspects of a preliminary goodwill . Secondly, it introduces some current goodwill recognition, measurement and accounting methods , and some of the negative goodwill related issues were discussed . Key words: Goodwill; Recognition and Measurement; Accounting treatment;Negative goodwill ,为了企业的资产,将自创商誉及时确认。这不但符合《》,会计信息质量要求的及时性、可比性,。 1.割差法。超额收益本金化价格法。是超额收益折现法。割差法几乎成为各国公认会计原则允许的计量商誉的唯一方法,因为与后两种方法相比它通过可辨认净资产买价减去公允市价求得商誉价值,其买价是实际发生的产权交易价格,具有客观性。合并近年来,对于企业并购过程中是否产生了负商誉这一问题,学术界一直未能达成共识,从而成了会计学者和实务工作者中最具争议的话题之一。负商誉在逻辑上不存在,“商誉作为企业的一项无形资产。在出售的过程中,如果整体价值低于分开出售的价格,就一定要将商誉从中分离出来在进行出售,所以


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