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Quiz 1(U1-2)1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter. Use only one word to fill in each blank.1. I c_______ around all day looking for a birthday present to give her.(追赶)2. If executives fail to e_______ the opportunities of networking they risk being left behind.(利用)3. Some doctors may even h_______ death with the pain-killing drugs they administer (给药) at this time, but their “intent to kill” is rarely tested in a court. (加速)4. Kelly gets a new job, and two weeks later she’s b_______ with it.(厌烦的)5. C_______ is important, and the dog is likely to respond best to one person, especially when learning new routines.(连续性)6. Demand for steel had slowed throughout Europe and there was no way we could s_______ the industry at its existing size.(维持)7. Nor can we d_______ the possibility that some factor in the diet itself has harmful effects.(低估)8. Many social services are simply not well suited to companies whose basic m_______ is profit.(动机)9. The growth of tourism has s_______ equivalent developments in the hotel and leisure-related sectors.(刺激,激励)10. People try to j_______ the breakdown of their marriage by blaming their spouse(为...辩护).2. Translate the following phrases or sentences.1.冒险;有……风险 – _____________________ 2. 指控;控告 _______________________3. 充其量;至多 – ________________________ 4. 风靡一时的人/物- ____________________5. 取悦某人 - p_____________________________ 6. 与......关系密切-______________________7. 以......结束 ____________________________ 8. give sb. permanent fame ________________ 9. achieve world fame ______________ 10. explore and extend the talent _______________ 11. find one’s way into __________________12. 唤起某人的想象__________________ 13.对....失去信心 ___________________14 引发争吵_____________________15为...拍手喝彩 _____________________4. Fill in the blanks with proper preposition.1) Cut ________ the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper. 2) Charlie Chaplin was born in a poor area of South London, but in 1913 he


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