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【教材改编简要说明】 John P Heines的原文The Art of Living是一篇非常有哲理性和语言美感的议论文,因此笔者把课型设为阅读课,对文章进行有意义地、深入地探讨和挖掘。 改编后的材料保留了作者的思想,大部分有哲理性的语言,和一些地道的英语表达法,如playing God (微调成playing the role of God), look outside the box, smell the roses等等,但是去除了较为深奥的哲学词汇,如the Secret, the Stillness, 以及作者和妻子相知相爱的例子,以适应学生的理解能力和生活经验。运用并体现了一定的科学性原则。 为了使议论文的框架更明显,层次感更强,笔者添加了一些段落之间的逻辑连接词,如as far as I am concerned, to begin with, more importantly。 笔者把设计的一些阅读任务,如Skimming, Scanning, Comprehending and learning about language, 和阅读文章整合在一起,使其看起来更像教材,让学生有一种熟悉感。 改编后的教材 Reading ▲▲Skimming : Skim the passage to find out who the author is. ▲▲Scanning: Scan the passage to find out what “the Law of Attraction” is. The Art of Living 1 Belief is the great guide of human life. Unfortunately, our belief is often built on the many models in society, one of which is called “the Law of Attraction”, saying that we can attract into our life whatever we want. In other words, we can apply our will and certain techniques to get anything we wish. Yes, we can own luxuries, like the biggest TV, and the latest cell phone. We can even explore the Antarctica for economic purposes. But the risk is that we are playing the role of God! 2 As far as I am concerned, it is wrong to think that if enough is enough, then more is better. Wanting is the source of suffering. This desire for more results from a limited understanding of “limitlessness”. We must not forget that someone else in this world may be suffering because of our greed, because of our lack of understanding. So, when we are seeking solutions from within a model, like “the Law of Attraction”, which is basically wrong, we will not find lasting, sustainable solutions. We need to look outside the “box”. But how? 3 To begin with, we should take a closer look at our real needs. We should re-evaluate our lives. If we have enough money, do we have enough time? Do we have enough quality time? In todays world some are money-rich and time-poor. We foolishly ignore our loved


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