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《大学英语(一)0001》15春在线作业1试卷总分:100? ? ? ?测试时间:--单选题一、单选题(共?40?道试题,共?100?分。)V1.??It took him a long time to _______ the skills he needed to become a professional artist. A. acquireB. requireC. inquireD. remain??????满分:2.5??分2.??The English of today is very different _______ the English of500 years ago. A. toB. inC. byD. from??????满分:2.5??分3.??— Hi! How do you do, Zhang? — _______ A. How are you?B. Good afternoon.C. How do you do?D. Very fine.??????满分:2.5??分4.??There are trees on _______ sides of the river. A. bothB. allC. eitherD. neither??????满分:2.5??分5.??— Let’s go and have sports together. — _______ A. Yes, please.B. You’re welcome.C. Good idea.D. Thank you.??????满分:2.5??分6.??If you meet a new word and you are not sure what it means, _______ it _______ in a dictionary. A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look up??????满分:2.5??分7.??Some words are hard to _______ because they have many different uses. A. spellB. pronounceC. defineD. mean??????满分:2.5??分8.??William realized that he should have felt _______ with his job, but he didn’t A. contentedB. suitableC. comfortableD. interested??????满分:2.5??分9.??十年来我一直在坚持收听收音机里的英语节目。A. I listened to the English programs over the radio ten years ago.B. I often kept on listening to the English programs over the radio ten years ago.C. For ten years I kept on listening to the English programs over the radio.D. For ten years I listened to the E??????满分:2.5??分10.??We’re glad that something _______ has come out of the situation. A. positiveB. negativeC. positionD. negation??????满分:2.5??分11.??Many small businesses are struggling _______ survival in this difficult economic climate. A. offB. withC. forD. up??????满分:2.5??分12.??Old Mr. Carter was convinced that women doctors were _______ to men. A. superiorB. inferiorC. superiorityD. inferiority??????满分:2.5??分13.??After the accident it took a long time before she had the _______ to get back in a car again. A. timeB. confidenceC. opportunityD. ability??????满分:2.5??分14.??The pencil is _______ that


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