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赫密斯金言百则 前50条 译者:卫慈(修正·星海一粟) 后50条 译者:星海一粟 (说明:本文档前50条翻译内容来源于网路,版权归原翻译者所有。在阅读过程中,本人对原作者的翻译作了部分的修改,使其更加的准确。后50条,由网友提供,本人翻译。文中有些本人也不是非常了解,如有不同见解或认为有错误的地方,欢迎大家指正补充,也希望能联系本人,感激不尽。)QQ:365912767·星海一粟。 —— 2010-03-28 1. The Sun and Moon next unto God are the life of all things living: Yet many nativities have no hyleg; yet because the Sun and Moon friendly behold their ascendant, or be therein free from affliction, their lives shall be the longer continued. [1] 日月直通神境,是万物生命之源。虽然许多人无法拥有hyleg,但因日月注视命度,或在命宫之内,并免于刑克,其人生命得以长续。 2. All diurnal nativities are strengthened by the Sun, when well beheld by the fortunes; nocturnal of the Moon, when she is so fortified. If this happen not, yet if good planets be found in angles, the nativity shall be good. 当太阳为吉星相照,一切昼生之命皆受其巩固;当月亮如此,夜生之命亦然。如上述不存,吉星落于四始之宫,命主亦受恩泽。 3. When Mars, lord of the ascendant, shall be posited in the tenth, it confers on the native dignity and power; which will be accompanied with injury and cruelty; and may therefore be said, a misfortune, rather than happiness. 当命主火星落于10宫,其将赋予命主尊贵与权力,但伤害与荼毒亦将伴随。甚言之,祸胜于福。 4. Jupiter in good aspect with the infortunes, changes their malevolency into good. Venus cannot effect any such thing, unless assisted by Jupiter; therefore in procuring good, and prohibiting ill, Jupiter is found much better than Venus. [2] 当木星与凶星吉照,将转祸为福,金星则无力施为,除非亦受木星之助;在助善禁恶方面,木星之力远胜金星。 5. The artist cannot make a commixion of the significations of the stars, before he know their friendships and enmities, which is threefold. First, according to their nature. Secondly, according to their houses. Thirdly, according to their aspects. 在知悉双方敌友关系之前,术家不能融合行星的含义,敌友关系有三层,第一、考虑他们本质属性,第二、考虑宫位,第三、考虑相位。 6. Venus is opposite to Mercury. He comprehends languages and discipline; she delights and pleasures, Jupiter the like to Mars; this corvette mercy and justice; that, impiety and cruelty. [3] 金星与水星相对,水星代表言语、纪律;金星代表愉悦、逸乐。木星与火星相对,木星代表仁慈、正义;火星代表亵渎、残忍。 7. Make the Sun, or any of the superiors to signify princes and great person


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