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旁白:In olden times when wishing still helped one, there lived a King whose daughters   在遥远的古代,人们心中的美好愿望往往能够变成现实。就在那个令人神往的时代,曾经有   were all beautiful, but the youngest was so beautiful that the sun itself, which has seen   过一位国王。国王有好几个女儿,个个都长得非常美丽;尤其是他的小女儿,更是美如天仙,   so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the King’s castle lay   就连见多识广的太阳,每次照在她脸上时,都对她的美丽感到惊诧不已。国王的宫殿附近,   a great dark forest, and under an old lime-tree in the forest was a well, and when the   有一片幽暗的大森林。在这片森林中的一棵老椴树下,有一个水潭,水潭很深。在天热的时   day was very warm, the King’s child went out into the forest and sat down by the side   候,小公主常常来到这片森林,坐在清凉的水潭边上。她坐在那里感到无聊的时候,就取出   of the cool fountain, and when she was dull she took a golden ball, and threw it up on   一只金球,把金球抛向空中,然后再用手接住。这成了她最喜爱的游戏。   high and caught it, and this ball was her favorite plaything.   Now it so happened that on one occasion the princess’s golden ball did not fall into   不巧的是,有一次,小公主伸出两只小手去接金球,金球却没有落进她的手里,而是掉到了   the little hand which she was holding up for it, but on to the ground beyond, and   地上,而且一下子就滚到了水潭里。小公主两眼紧紧地盯着金球,可是金球忽地一下子在水   rolled straight into the water. The King’s daughter followed it with her eyes, but it   潭里就没影儿了。因为水潭里的水很深,看不见底,小公主就哭了起来,她的哭声越来越大,   vanished, and the well was deep, so deep that the bottom could not be seen.On this   哭得伤心极了。哭着哭着,小公主突然听见有人大声说   she began to cry, and cried louder and louder, and could not be comforted. And as she thus lamented someone said to her,   青蛙:“What’s wrong with you, King’s daughter? You weep so that even a stone   “哎呀,公主,您这是怎么啦?您这样嚎啕大哭,就连石头听了都会心疼的呀。”would show pity.”   公主:“Ah! Old water-splasher, is it you?” “I am weeping for my golden ball, which   “啊!原来是你呀,游泳健将,我在这儿哭,是因为我的金球掉进水潭里去了。”   has fallen into the well.”   青蛙:“Be quiet, and do not weep, I can help you, but what will you give me if I bring   “好啦,不要难过,别哭了,我有办法帮助您。要是我帮您把您的金球捞出来,您拿   the plaything up again?”   什么东西来回报我呢?”   公主:“Whatever you will have, dear frog, my clothes, my pearls and jewels, and e


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