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遗嘱法(352章)WILLS ACT (CHAPTER 352) Short title.简称 1. This Act may be cited as the Wills Act. 本法可引称为《遗嘱法》。 Interpretation.释义 2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires — 在本中,除文意另有所指外internal law , in relation to any territory or state, means the law which would apply in a case where no question of the law in force in any other territory or state arose; “本土法律”, 就任何领域或国家而言,指不会施行任何其他领域或国家现行法律的情况下而适用的法律; personal estate shall extend to leasehold estates and other chattels real, and also to moneys, shares of Government and other funds, securities for money, not being real estates, debts, choses in action, rights, credits, goods and all other property whatsoever which by law devolves upon the executor or administrator, and to any share or interest therein; real estate shall extend to messuages, lands, rents and hereditaments, whether corporeal, incorporeal or personal, and to any undivided share thereof and to any estate, right or interest, other than a chattel interest, therein; ?动产”的范围涵盖租赁地产和其他准不动产,还包括货币、政府和其他机构的股份、抵押物,而非不动产、债权、诉讼财产、权利、信誉、货物以及法律规定的交由遗嘱执行人或管理人管理的其他财产及因此得到的孳息。 “不动产”包括宅院、土地、房租和科技城的财产,无论是有形不动产、无形不动产,还是个人的不动产,还包括任何不可分割的股份、财产、权利或利益,准不动产权益除外。 state means a territory or group of territories having its own law of nationality; “国家”指拥有本身国籍法的领域或一组领域; will includes a testament and an appointment by will or by writing in the nature of a will in exercise of a power and also a disposition by will and testament and any other testamentary disposition. “遗嘱” 包括通过遗嘱或具有遗嘱特性的书面形式行使权利设立遗嘱或指定受益人的作为,以及通过遗嘱和其他遗嘱处分对财产的处置。 24/92. Property disposable by will. 可藉遗嘱处置的财产 3. —(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, every person may devise, bequeath or dispose of by his will, executed in the manner required under this Act, all real estate and all personal estate which he shall be entitled to either at law or in equity at the time of his death. (1)(2) The power given under subsection (1) shall extend to — 第1款中的权利范围包括: (a) all estates pur autre vie, whether there shal


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