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VI. Key to the Text Text A Warm-up Exercise 1) has been 2) at 3) that 4) has → have 5) on 6) which 7) in 8) highly → high 9) in 10) have → has 11) on 12) that 13) than 14) as 15) is → are 16) likely 17) to 18) climate 19) at 20) Sadly 21) transmitted 22) matter 23) optimistic 24) as → than 25) have → has 26) sense Exercises Part I Understanding the Text 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 C Part II Oral English Practice (Omitted ) Part III Vocabulary Exercises Section A 1. in the past decades 2. There have been great changes in people’s views. 3. the relationship between modern life and health 4. at the beginning of the 20th century 5. poor health 6. poor performance 7. be reluctant to help others 8. sick building syndrome 9. the adoption of a healthy lifestyle 10. play down others’ value 11. ascribe one’s failure to the unqualified teacher 12. in a climate of mistrust of each other 13. Friendship once damaged is hard to restore. 14. It is only a matter of time. 15. make sense of the leader’s speech 16. improve our sleep quality 17. well-trained team 18. complain about the poor/low salary 19. The Internet has brought us a new dimension to friends making. 20. enhance the awareness of the effects of health care products on health Section B 1. inquiry 2. foster 3. sensitivity 4. subtle 5. perception 6. novelty 7. transmit 8. adoption 9. optimistic 10. interpret 11. suspicion 12. complementary 13. fatigue 14. contribute 15. alternative Section C 1-5 A D D D A 6-10 A A A A B 11-15 D A D A A Part IV Cloze Test Section A 1-5 D B B C A 6-10 D C A D B 11-15 C C A C D 16-20 D A C C A Section B 1. key 2. access 3. communicate 4. technologically 5. improvements 6. transmit 7. available 8. recommend 9. possible 10. medications Part V Reading Comprehension Passage 1 1-5 B A D B C Passage 2 6-10 D D D A A Part VI English-Chinese Translation 1. 近年来,对现代化生活和健康之间的关系,公众的观念发生了持续深刻的变化。在临床上,病人不愿意实施药物治疗,或者不愿意继续延长药物使用时间,因为他们害怕这样就会把一些非天然的化学成分留在他们体内


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