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2006:Estimatesrange anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million.估计数量在60万和300万之间。Estimate– nounlodging /?l?d???/ |TEM4N-UNCOUNT If you are provided with lodging or lodgings, you are provided with a place to stay for a period of time. You can use lodgings to refer to one or more of these places. 寄宿处例:He was given free lodging. 他得到了免费住宿。stroll /str??l/ |CET6 TEM41.V-I If you stroll somewhere, you walk there in a slow, relaxed way. 溜达例:He collected some orange juice from the refrigerator and, glass in hand, strolled to the kitchen window. 他从冰箱里取了些橙汁,然后手拿玻璃杯,溜达到厨房的窗边。2.N-COUNT Stroll is also a noun. 溜达例:After dinner, I took a stroll round the city. 晚饭后,我绕着城溜达了一圈。maintenance /?me?nt?n?ns/ |CET4 TEM41.N-UNCOUNT The maintenance of a building, vehicle, road, or machine is the process of keeping it in good condition by regularly checking it and repairing it when necessary. 检修例:...maintenance work on government buildings. …政府各大楼的检修工作。例:The window had been replaced last week during routine maintenance. 那窗在上星期的例行检修中已被换掉了。2.N-UNCOUNT Maintenance is money that someone gives regularly to another person to pay for the things that the person needs. 赡养费; 抚养费例:...the governments plan to make absent fathers pay maintenance for their children. …让那些不在孩子身边的父亲为孩子提供抚养费的政府计划。3.N-UNCOUNT If you ensure the maintenance of a state or process, you make sure that it continues. 维持例:...the maintenance of peace and stability in Asia.…亚洲和平与稳定的维持。comprehensive /?k?mpr??h?ns?v/ |CET4 TEM4ADJ Something that is comprehensive includes everything that is needed or relevant. 全面的例:The Rough Guide to Nepal is a comprehensive guide to the region. 《尼泊尔概览》是介绍该地区的一本全面指南。somehow /?s?m?ha?/ |CET4 TEM41.ADV You use somehow to say that you do not know or cannot say how something was done or will be done. 不知怎地; 不知以什么方式例:Well manage somehow, you and me. I know we will. 我们总会应付过去的,你和我。我知道我们会的。例:Somehow Karin managed to cope with the demands of her career. 不知怎么地,卡林设法应付了那些来自工作的要求。immune /??mju?n/ |CET4 TEM81.ADJ If you are immu


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