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1、请问如何办理税务登记? How do I register with the tax authority 纳税人:您好,我是一家外企公司,被批准从事房地产开发,兼营建材销售。请问如何办理税务登记? Taxpayer: Hello, My company is a foreign investment enterprise. We are permitted to engage in the development of real estate and the sale of constructive material. Could you tell me how to register with the tax authority?? 税务局:你公司涉及营业税和增值税等不同税种的业务,需分别到地税局和国税局申请登记。 Tax official: I like to do. According to what you said, your businesses are subject to different kind of tax, such as business tax and value added tax. So you should register with both the national and regional tax authorities respectively. 纳税人:这两个局有什么区别吗?为什么要同时在两个局登记? Taxpayer: what is the difference between the two tax authorities.?Why should my company register with the two tax authorities at same time? 税务局:最大的区别就是负责的税种不同。 Tax official: the biggest difference is that two tax authorities administer different kinds of tax. 纳税人:税务登记在时间上有什么要求吗? Taxpayer: I see. What is the time requirement for the tax registration.? 税务局:在领取营业执照后30日内提出申请。 Tax official: the tax registration is due within 30 days after you have received business certificate. 纳税人:需要什么手续? Taxpayer: what should we do in the process of registration.? 税务局:领取并填写申请表。此外,根据不同的经济类型提交不同的资料。 Tax official: to get and fill in the application form, and present the prescribed materials according to different kind of enterprise. 纳税人:复印件可以吗? Taxpayer: is the copy all right?? 税务局:可以。 Tax official: yes, it is. 纳税人:多长时间能够办完登记? Taxpayer: how long will my company receive the certificate of the registration?? 税务局:大约在受理申请的30日内。核发登记证时我会通知您。 Tax official: about 30 days after we received the above the prescribed documents. As soon as your application is approved, I will personally notice you. 纳税人:费用是多少? Taxpayer: what is the charge of the registration?? 税务局:40元。 Tax official: 40Yuan. 纳税人:顺便问一下你们的工作电话和时间? Taxpayer: by the way, could you tell me your telephone number and working hour?? 税务局:我们的电话号码登记时间为上午8:30到11:30,下午1:30到5:00。 Tax official: our telephone numb


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