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2015职称英语教材新增文章 卫生A补全短文新增文章 第十二篇??The Enemy Within内部的敌人 Allergy has become more and more common over the last 30 years. Now one-third of us are affected by allergy at some point in our lives and half of these sufferers are children. In the UK, three million people suffer from asthma, and five per cent of children suffer from food allergy. 人体内部的敌人 过敏症在过去30年中,已经变得越来越普及。目前有三分之一的过敏症患者于不同时期内生活在我们之中,其中半数患者为儿童。在英国有300万人受哮喘病的折磨,并有5%的儿童患有对事物的过敏症。 Allergy is a reaction that occurs when the immune system has a strange and unnecessary reaction to a substance which is normally harmless, such as pollen or peanuts. __ The immune system is there to protect the body against outside attackers, including viruses, bacteria and parasites.__ 过敏症指的是机体免疫系统对于通常无害的物质(如花粉、花生)所做出的奇怪且不必要的反应。免疫系统能够保护我们的身体免受外界物质的侵袭,这些物质包括病毒、细菌以及寄生虫。To defend your body against an attacker, the immune system remembers these dangerous micro-organisms and attacks them if it meets them again. This work is done by antibodies. The immune system in allergy sufferers makes antibodies against harmless substances, because it mistakenly believes them to be dangerous. 为了保护人体免受外界侵扰物的袭击,免疫系统会记忆这些危险的微生物,并在再次遭遇它们时对其进行攻击。这一功能是由我们体内的抗体完成的。过敏症患者的免疫系统会对无害物质产生抗体,错误地认定这些物质是危险的。 An allergic reaction may not happen the first time a sufferer meets an allergen (the substance causing the reaction, such as pollen, milk or strawberries). Sometimes people can eat nuts for years and then suddenly become allergic to them. What has happened is that the immune system has now decided the substance is dangerous and has made an allergy antibody. This antibody then attaches itself to cells, which contain histamine. __When the antibodies meet the allergen the next time, they attempt to destroy it._ 过敏反应在患者首次接触过敏源(造成过敏反应的物质,如花粉、牛奶、草莓)时可能不会发生。有时,人们会在多年正常食用坚果后,突然变得对其过敏。其免疫系统在这一过程中认定该类物质为危险物质并针对其产生了免疫抗体。这种抗体于是将其自身与人体中含有组织胺的细胞相连接。当此抗体再次遭遇这类过敏源时,其就会试图摧毁它。As they do that, the surface of the cells is broken, and histamine is released. The histamine and other


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