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语言学导论第八讲 Lexical Change New words or expressions are created through the following processed, apart from compound and derivation Invention 新创词语 Many new lexical items come directly from the consumer items, their producers or their brand names, such as Kodak, Sony, Cadillac, Omega, Coke, and others to cope with the Invention of new entities. Blending 混成法 It is a process in which a compound is made by blending parts of two words. 1) by joining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word. 2) by joining the initial parts of the two words 1) motel from motor+hotel brunch from breakfast+lunch smog from smoke+fog telecast from television+broadcast positron from positive+electron transistor from transfer+resister heliport from helicopter+airport cremains from cremated+remains 2) telex from teleprinter+exchange(电传) modem from modulator+demodulator(调制解调器) anacom from analog+computer(分析计算机) digicom from digital+computer(数码计算机) glasphalt from glass+asphalt(玻璃沥青) insulac from insulating+lacquer(隔热漆) Abbreviation (Clipping) 缩写词 It refers to the process whereby a word is shortened without a change in the meaning and in the part of speech. 1) the end of the word is removed. 2) the beginning of the word is discarded. 3) both ends of the word are dropped. 1) ad from advertisement bike from bicycle exam from examination fan from fanatic lab from laboratory math from mathematics prof from professor telly from television 2) plane from aeroplane copter from helicopter van from caravan bus from omnibus phone from telephone 3) flu from influenza fridge from refrigerator tec from detective Acronym 缩略语 It is the process by which words are formed by putting the initial letters of several words together. 1)They are pronounced as a new word. TOEFL Test of English as a Foreign Language


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