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Mechanisms mechan---- machinery ism--- institution/ state Clarify where it work and why it play a role 阐明在什么地方起作用以及为什么起作用Reassortment reassert---- Banner Barrett ment---- consequently Some originally ordered things realignment arrangement 一些原本有序的事物重新组合排列Reoxygenation re---- again oxygenate---- oxidization tion---- conduct A process that material and oxygen combined to form oxide and once again 物质和氧气结合,形成氧化物并再次重复的过程Radiosensitivity radio--- beaming sensitivity---- sensitiveness Responsible for equipment, subsystem, the system performance degradation the radiated interference level measurement 对造成设备、分系统、系统性能劣化所需的辐射干扰电平的度量Vulnerability vulnerable--- fragile ability-- performance Something vulnerable to the extent of the damage 某一事物容易受到损害的程度immobilization im--- opposite mobilize--- Make flow tion---- be in sth Make cell become not easy on the form of loss from carrier made bioreactor to catalytic biochemical reaction 使细胞成为不易从载体上流失的形式制成生物反应器用以催化生化应proliferative prolifer--- hyperplasia ative----- And... related A process that cell through the mitotic produce offspring cell 细胞通过有丝分裂产生子代细胞的过程chemokine chemo---- chemistry kine--factor This is refers some of the proteins that the attract leucocyte and migrate to the infection site. 这是指具有吸引白细胞移行到感染部位的一些蛋白质immunosuppressive immune---- immunity suppressive---- suppressive By inhibiting cell and humoral immune response, and make the tissue damage to reduce chemical or biological material 通过抑制细胞及体液免疫反应,而使组织损伤得以减轻的化学或生物物质histocompatibility histo---tissues compatibility---- compatibility Refers to a individual tissue transplants to another individual, the response degree of the immune system 指将一个体的组织移植至另一个体时,其免疫系统的反应程度carcinoembryonic carcino----tumor embryonic---- embryonic 癌胚抗原 Normal embryonic organization generated composition, born after gradually disappear, or only to save infinitesimal. When cells from turning into cancerous ones, this kind of antigen expression can obviously increase. 正常胚胎组织所产生的成分,出生后逐渐消失,或仅存极微量。当


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