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优秀例句:▲Nothing can take away the anguish of losing a child. 什麽都不能解除失去孩子的巨大悲痛. ▲Automation will mean the loss of many jobs in this factory. 自动化将意味著这个工厂要减少许多工作职位. ▲He extends his nervous system and his thinking and decision-making faculties through automation. 人类通过自动化扩展了人类神经系统的功能思维和决断的才能. ▲Your guess only approximates to the facts. 你的猜测仅仅是接近事实. ▲The color of the curtains approximates that of the rug. 窗帘的颜色和地毯相近. ▲I was/lived in awe of my father until I was at least fifteen. 我至少在十五岁以前一直惧怕父亲. ▲The children stared at the teacher with awe. 孩子很敬畏地凝视着老师. ▲The silence awed the boy. 寂静使这个小男孩害怕了. ▲He looked backward over his shoulder. 他回头向后看. ▲This part of the country is still backward. 这个国家的这个地区仍很落后. ▲Sheila is very clever but rather backward in expressing her ideas. 希拉很聪明, 然而在表达思想时却有些腼腆. ▲She wants the doll badly. 她非常想要这个洋娃娃. ▲The refugees are badly off for blankets, and even worse off for food. 难民需要毯子, 更需要食物. ▲He cut his wrist so badly that jets of blood spurted out. 他的手腕割伤得很厉害,血阵阵涌出. ▲Our accommodation is barely adequate. 我们的住房不太够用. ▲We barely had time to catch the train. 我们几乎来不及赶火车. ▲He can barely feed and clothe his family. 他勉强能给予全家人温饱. ▲She was a distinguished scientist and a gifted painter into the bargain. 她是一位杰出的科学家--同时还是一位很有才华的画家呢. ▲The leaders bargained away the freedom of their people. 领导人拿人民的自由来做交易. ▲The salesman refused to bargain over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价. ▲The leaders bargained away the freedom of their people. 领导人拿人民的自由来做交易. ▲The salesman refused to bargain over the price. 推销员拒绝讨价还价. ▲Thrift is the basement of richness. 节约是富裕的基础. ▲In the basement water streams down the walls. 在地下室里,水顺着墙不断地流下来. ▲The more articulate, the less say is an old Chinese proverb which I just make up myself. 寡言者善辩是我自己刚刚虚构的一句中国古谚. ▲He introduced his speech with a humorous anecdote.他讲了一则幽默轶事作为讲演的引子.▲The house is up for auction/will be sold by auction. 这所房子将要拍卖. ▲Politeness is an attribute of a gentleman. 彬彬有礼是绅士的本色. ▲Something added in order to augment weight or size or fill space. 装填物为了增


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