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青草在歌唱 The Grass is Singing 《青草在歌唱》 十月一期间和老公一起去南京路上的淘书店淘书,竟然在毫无头绪的书架中发现了这本书,欣喜之情可想而知。只花了大概8元就买了下来这本全新的译林出版社2000年出版的《青草在歌唱》,一蕾译。虽然,版本不是太好。我又于网上找到了原版英文版,只可惜是doc版的,所以不一定很准确,不过还是先在这儿一并做一读书笔记。 小说开篇引用艾略特《荒原》中的诗句 ‘In this decayed hole among the mountains In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing Over the tumbled graves, about the chapel There is the empty chapel, only the winds home. It has no windows, and the door swings, Dry bones can harm no one. Only a cock stood on the rooftree Co co rico co co rico In a flash of lightning. Then a damp gust Bringing rain Ganger was sunken, and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant. The jungle crouched, humped in silence. Then spoke the thunder’ From The Waste Land by T.S Eliot with grateful acknowledgments to the author and to Messrs Faber Faber `It is by the failures and misfits of a civilization that one can best judge its weaknesses. AUTHOR UNKNOWN Chapter One Mary Turner(玛丽·特纳), wife of Richard Turner(理查德·特纳), a farmer at Ngesi(恩泽西农场), was found murdered on the front verandah of their homestead yesterday morning. The houseboy, who has been arrested, has confessed to the crime. No motive has been discovered. 开篇叙述这里的白人一反常态地对这次黑仆谋杀白主人的事件保持缄默。 特纳夫妇落落寡欢,不经常露面,没有子女,这儿的其它南非白人,都讨厌这对夫妇。 Marston(马斯顿), the assistant. Denham(德纳姆), the policeman。 Charlie Slatter(查理·斯莱特), who knew more about the Turners than anyone else。 Moses(摩西),the murderer had given himself up.a great powerful man, black as polished linoleum. Who was Charlie Slatter? It was he who, from the beginning of the tragedy to its end, personified Society for the Turners。He came with one idea: to make money. He was a crude, brutal, ruthless, yet kindhearted man, in his own way, and according to his own impulses. sjambok. (犀牛牛皮鞭) 其它男人全部憎恶玛丽,因为她不光彩的行为似乎触犯到了他们自身的尊严。他们关注的不会是女人的本身,而是她个人之外的东西。唯一一次提到玛丽本身的一次,是查理对警官说,应该把尸体抬到屋外,天气太热,以免坏掉。 Charlie said, tur



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