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materialistic values and well-being among business students:商业学生的物质价值观与幸福感
Materialistic Values and Well-Being Among Business
Students: Further Evidence of Their Detrimental Effect1
University of Leuven
Leuven, Belgium
According to an environmental-match perspective regarding the content of values
(Sagiv Schwartz, 2000), extrinsic or materialistic values should positively
predict well-being in populations in which extrinsic values match the environmen-
tally promoted values (e.g., among business students). However, other value
researchers (Kasser Ahuvia, 2002) disagree with these claims. Although the
present study shows that business students ascribe higher importance to extrinsic
values than do education students, the negative relation of extrinsic values with
well-being and the positive relation with internal distress and substance use was not
moderated by the department to which students belonged. Finally, mediational
analyses revealed that value orientations could account for the fact that business
students report lower well-being and higher substance use in comparison to
education students.
Currently, there is a controversy concerning the type of associations that
should exist between value orientations and well-being. Drawing on hu-
manistic (Fromm, 1976; Maslow, 1954) and organismic (Deci Ryan, 2000;
Ryan Deci, 2000) theorizing, some authors (Kasser, 2002; Kasser
Ahuvia, 2002) have argued that being focused on extrinsic or materialistic
values, such as financial success, fame, and physical appearance, rather than
on intrinsic values, such as growth, community contribution, and affiliation,
is detrimental for people’s w
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