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EMC Terminology EMC专业术语 BASIC CONCEPTS 基本概念 Electromagnetic environment: The totality of electromagnetic phenomena existing at a given location. 电磁环境:存在于给定场所的电磁现象的总和。 Radio environment: The electromagnetic environment in the radio frequency range. The totality of electromagnetic fields created at a given location by operation, of radio transmitters. 无线电环境:无线电频率范围内的电磁环境。在给定场所内处于工作状态的无线电发射机产生的电磁场总和。 Electromagnetic noise: A time-varying electromagnetic phenomenon apparently not conveying information and which may be superimposed or combined with a wanted signal. 电磁噪声:一种明显不传送信息的时变电磁现象,它可能与有用的信号叠加或组合。 Natural (atmospheric) noise: Electromagnetic noise having its source in natural (atmospheric) phenomena and not generated by man-made devices. 自然(天电)噪声:来源于自然(天电)现象而非人工装置产生的电磁噪声。 Man- made (equipment) noise: Electromagnetic noise having its source in the man-made devices 人为(设备)噪声:来源于人工装置的电磁噪声。 Radio frequency noise: Electromagnetic noise having components in the radio frequency range. 无线电频率噪声:具有无线电频率分量的电磁噪声。 Electromagnetic radio noise: The total electromagnetic disturbance complex in which an equipment, subststem, or system may be immersed exclusive of its own electromagnetic contribution. 环境无线电噪声:可浸没任一设备、子系统或系统的全部电磁骚扰的合成,其中不包含 Narrowband radio noise: Radio noise having a spectrum exhibiting one or more sharp peaks, narrow in width compared to the nominal bandwidth of, and far enough apart to be resolved by, the measuring instruments (or the communication receiver to be protected). 窄带无线电噪声:频谱显示有一个或多个尖峰且宽度比标称带宽窄的无线电噪声,其标称带宽离测量仪器(或已防护的通信接收机)可分辨的带宽足够远。 Narrowband radio noise: Radio noise having a spectrum broad in width as compared to the nominal bandwidth of the measuring instrument, and whose spectral components are sufficiently close together and uniform that the measuring instrument cannot resolve them. 宽带无线电噪声:频谱宽度比测量仪器标称带宽宽的无线电噪声,其谱分量之间相距足够近而且均匀,以致测量仪器不能分辨它们。 Electromagnetic radiation: The phenomenon by whic


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