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13-14学年新课标高二上学期5册Unit2测试 Class: Name: Marks: 满分(120) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 1. — Turn the TV down, will you? — ? — The TV is too noisy. Could you turn it down? A. Why not B. Pardon C. How come D. What about 2. To protect environment, we should use environmentally-friendly bags to take place of plastic bags. A. the; a B. /; the C. the; / D. the; the 3. ?I抎 like to go on a trip t o Florida next week, Jack. ?You抮e a lucky dog. You t its warm sun then. A. will be enjoying B. are enjoying C. will enjoy D. have enjoyed 4. Though published sixty years ago, the book written by Anne Frank still much attention to this day. A. attaches B. arranges C. attracts D. accomplishes 5. The cheering squad, a cheerleader and twenty girls, is to cheer us on during the match. A. consists of B. consisting of C. consisted of D. is consisted of 6. ?How long will it be Chinese astronauts set foot o n the moon? ?Maybe within ten years. A. since B. befoore C. until D. when 7. The teacher the students three groups to discuss the main idea of the movie. A. divided; from B. divided; into C. separated; from D. separated; into 8. ?You seem to be with the old town . ?Of course. I once worked there. A. consistent B. popunlar C. content D. familiar 9. I抎 rather work with yopu and get the job on schedule by working together. A. finishing B. to finish C. finished D. to be finished 10. If you the parts which are not interesting, the story will be more wonderful. A. work out B. leave out C. sort out D. make out 11. For your , we have added a function that allows you to pay your bills over the Internet. A. agreement B. convenience C. influence D. preference 12. Much to his surprise and delight, he found himself behin


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