3A Unit3 My friends教案.doc

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3A Unit3 My friends教案

3A Unit3 My friends Story time 教学目标: 1.能理解课文,能流利地朗读课文或表演课文。 2.通过情景练习,能区分He’s和She’s,并能有意识地运用交际用语She’s...He’s...She’s/He’s my friend.能在情境中正确运用goodbye向他人告别。 3.能大胆、主动地向他人介绍自己的朋友,增加同学之间的情谊,对英语保持好奇心和兴趣。 教学重难点: 1. 能理解课文,能流利地朗读课文或表演课文。 2.能正确区分He’s和She’s,能比较正确地使用交际用She’s...He’s...She’s/He’s my friend. 教学准备: 1.多媒体课件 2.若干张友谊卡 3.Mike,Yang Ling的图片 4.课前学生制作友谊卡 教学过程: 课前热身 T:First let’s enjoy a song Good morning.我们一起边拍手边唱。(S与T一起拍手演唱) T:Can you change the words?Like this:Good afternoon. Now listen to me:Good afternoon,good afternoon,afternoon,my dear. Can you? S:Yes. T:Ready?Go! (T与S一起改编歌曲Good afternoon) Step1 Warming up 1)Greeting T:Good afternoon,boys and girls. S:Good afternoon. T:Stand up!Let’s say good afternoon to the teachers. S:Good afternoon,teachers. 2)Free talk T:(对S1说)Hello.I’m Miss Zhu.What’s your name? S1:I’m... T:Nice to meet you S1:Nice to meet you ,too. T:Can you be my friend?OK?(加手势) S1:OK. T:Here’s a card for you.(给友谊卡) You’re my friend now. T:(对S2说)Hello,I’m Miss Zhu. S2:I’m... T:Let’s be friends,OK? S2:OK. T:We are friends now. T:Can you be my friends?OK? My dear friends, here’s a beautiful song for you. Let’s enjoy it and tell me who are they.OK? S:OK. Step2 Presentation and practise enjoy a songGoodbye. 2)教she’s,he’s ①T:Let’s know them one by one.Look,who’s she?Guess! S:She’s Yang Ling.(板书she’s) T:Good!She’s,she’s.Look at my mouth and listen to me carefully. /?/,/?/,/i:/,/i:/,[?i:],[?i:],she,she(开火车读) /z/,/z./she’s,she’s(开火车→两个两个读→齐读) T拿着单词卡片,指着女生读 T:Who’s she? S:She’s Yang Ling.(操练整句话 两个两个读→齐读) T:How about her? Who’s she?Guess! S:She’s Miss Li.(多叫2~3个同学回答) T:(指着S3)Hello,who’s she? S:She’s...(S一起说) T:Nice to meet you. S:Nice to meet you,too. T:Can we be friends,OK? S:OK. T:(指着S4)Hello,who’s she? S:She’s... T:Hello,xxx. T:Can we be friends?OK? T:(指着S6 S7 S8)Who’s she? S:She’s... (在这一环节发友谊卡) T:Yes,she’s equals she is.Follow me,(教读is) 同法教授he’s(注意加上手势,拖长he的发音)(板书he’s) ②Chant


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