顾家北 微信推送词伙 2014年7月.docx

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顾家北 微信推送词伙 2014年7月

顾家北微信推送词伙 2014年7月【7.31】预测班我们讲了食品包装的题目,给大家一个BBC补充词伙。A campaign against unnecessarypackaging used by supermarkets has been launched by the Womens Institute.It wants stores to charge for plastic bagsandphase out practices,淘汰一些做法such as shrink wrapping fruit andvegetables and placing them on trays.Supermarkets say they have made efforts to cut packaging in recent yearsIn a day of action WI members in Englandand Wales will return excess wrappers to stores and urge them to domore to address environmental concerns,解决环境问题.According to the WI, supermarket groceriesstill account for 70% of the UKs packaging market.Weneed to either recycle it or have it composted because otherwise were just filling landfill sites,扔到垃圾堆Ruth Bond, WIIt is calling on supermarkets to only use compostable and recyclable materials in its packaging where required.It also wants stores to buy fresh produce,新鲜的农产品 from local suppliers where possible to cut down on transport emissions,减少交通工具的尾气 give unsold groceries to charities and turn any excess into compost.phase out practices,淘汰一些做法cut down on transport emissions,减少交通工具的尾气fresh produce,新鲜的农产品fill landfill sites,扔到垃圾堆address environmental concerns,解决环境问题phase out practices,淘汰一些做法green issues,环保问题【7.30】今天我完成整个剑桥3的第二套范文的分析剑桥3的第二套范文When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Overall, I disagree with the opinion expressed. I would like to begin by pointing out that “traditional skills and ways of life” are not automatically of one country, but of a culture or community. 学习点:这个考官的范文是直接表明立场。缺陷:早期的考官范文很明显不是很注意扣题,开头段的第二句话基本上和题目没关系。In many ways, the history of civilization is the history of technology: from the discovery of fire to the invention of the wheel to the development of the Internet, we have been moving on from previous ways of doingthings. Some technologies, such as weapons of mass destruction, are of


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