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Unit 1 1、他打算换个工作,因为与老板性情不和。He is going to make another change of job due to personality conflicts with his supervisor.2、她毕业于一所无名商学院,现作为一名助理会计师,工作稳定收入不错。好几位有他相似经历的同事都提升但她不介意。She graduated from a little-known business school. She has been working as an assistant accountant with a stable job and good pay. Some of her colleagues with work experience similar to hers were promoted to higher posts, but she doesn’t care.3、他在一家大律师事务所工作,是一位很被看好的律师。但他现在急切想换到一个比现在工作压力少的小公司工作。He’s been working in a big law firm. He is a promising lawyer. But now he is eager to work in a smaller firm with less pressure than in his present working environment.4、毕业后他已经试过多份工作,大学学的政治专业,曾在政府办公室当初级职员但发现办公室文化氛围不适合他。现在是一家投行营销员,整天被客户追着跑,想要再换工作,真不知如何是好。After graduation, he has tried different jobs. Being a political science major, he was a junior clerk in a government office. But hefound the culture in a government office incompatible with his personality. Now he is a salesman in an investment bank and he is driven at all hours of the day and night by the clients. He wants to change another job and he is at a loss for what to do.5、每个公司都会有一些职员在某个领域专家你可以依赖, 没有他们不行。Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on which couldn’t live without.6、团队精神是指能很好地与同事配合一道完成团队目标。*Team spirit refers to fit well with his colleagues toachieve team goals together.7、紧迫感意味着你反应快且勇于依照自己信念采取行动。A sense of urgency means you can act quickly and have the courage to act on their convictions.8、风险容忍度需要你在信息不完备情况下展示你的决断力。Risk tolerance needs you to have demonstrated the ability to make decisions with imperfect or incomplete information.Unit 2 1.中国菜是世界公认的最佳菜肴之一,中餐馆偏布全球。Chinese cuisine is universally recognized as one of the greatest cuisines of the world, and Chinese restaurants are found scattered everywhere throughout the world.2. 中菜历经巨大演变,目前主要分为8大菜系。Chinese cuisine has undergone great changes and there are eight major schools of cuisines.3.川菜价廉味美以香辣著称,江浙菜则清淡精致,西湖醋鱼细嫩鲜美,而广东气候温润,物产丰富,菜肴独特,制作精细,特别以各种煲汤


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