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1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111南昌大学教材:《路桥工程专业英语》主编:赵永平;副主编:盛可鉴;人民交通出版社,2007年 学分:0.5 学时:16 周学时:2 上课周数:8 上课内容: 第一课:Highway Introduction公路概论 第二课:Asphait Mix Asphalt沥青及沥青混合料 第三课:The Subgrade Design and Construction Technology路基设计与施工技术 第四课:Freeway and it’s Accessory Facilities高速公路及附属设施 第五课:Traffic Engineering Introduction交通工程学概论 第六课:Bridge Introduction桥梁概论 第七课:Prestressed Concrete Beam Construction Technology预应力混凝土梁桥施工技术 第八课:The Bridge Testing Technology桥梁测试技术 上课方法:课堂讲解、翻译 课后训练:背单词;阅读教材并口译; 考核方法:笔试与口试结合(待定) 第一课:Highway Concept公路概论 A.Text The Highway Concept 公路概论 B.Reading Material Highway Cross Section and Pavement 道路横断面和铺装层 1.A historical note 历史回顾 The first road builders of any significance in western Europe were the Romans, to whom the ability to move quickly from one part of the Empire to another was important for military and civil reasons. 罗马人是西欧任何意义上的第一条道路的建设者,他们具有的从帝国的一个地方迅速移动到另一个地方的能力对政治军事而言都是非常重要的。 Roman roads are characterized by their linearity and, in popular perception,by their durability. 罗马道路以其直线形为特点,普遍的看法说还有他的耐久性 A good alignment was sought since this provides the most direct route and since the risk of ambush in hostile territory is reduced. 而所寻求的好的路线平面图是能在来自敌方潜在的风险降低后提高直达的道路。It was for this reason that the surface of the road was ofen elevated a meter or more above the local ground level—to provide a clear view of the surrounding country;hence the modern term “highway”. 正是由于这样的原因,道路的表面高度都会比实际地面高出一米甚至更多,这样也可以提高一个好的视野去观察周边的情况,因而这就是现代词汇“高路”的来源。The durability of such pavements is less absolute but nevertheless well exceeds anything achieved for many centuries after the fall of the Empire. 这种道路的耐久性也不是那么的绝对,但是至少在帝国倒台以后几个世纪的成就也没能超越它。 A typical major Roman road in the UK consisted of several layers of material,increasing in strength from the bottom layers, perhaps of rubble, through intermediate layers of lime-bound concrete to an upper layer of flags or stone slabs grouted in lime. 在英国典型的主要罗马道路是由几


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