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有趣的数字俚语 ZERO(0) Zero(to be a)无可取之处 Youre dating him?Hes such a zero! 你要跟他约会?他这人一无所长! zero in on someone or something(to)把注意力集中于某事或某物 In the medical world, theyre zeroing in on a cure for the common cold. 医学界人士正致力于一般感冒的治疗方法。 ONE(1) Go one better勝过某人 She did well this year and next year she hopes to go one better. 今年她干得不错,她希望明年更上一层楼。 FROM DAY ONE 从一开始 He was mean to me from day one. 他从一开始就对我很刻薄。 One in a million万里挑一的;杰出的 Youre one in a million. 你可是万里挑一的呀! Two(2) Goody two shoes装腔作势,假正经的人 Shes such a goody two shoes. 她真是会装腔作势。 Like two peas in a pod一模一样 Those twins are like two peas in a pod. 那对双胞胎就像是一个模子里印出来的,长得一模一样。 Three(3) Get the third degree遭到盘问 As soon as I got home, my mother gave the third degree. 我一回到家,妈妈就对我问这问那的。 Four(4) On all fours叭着,匍匐着 We were crawling around on all fours. 我们匍匐着四处爬行。 Five(5) Gimme five (=Give me five)击掌庆贺 Give me five! 咱们击掌相庆吧! Five by five状态良好,准备就绪 Everything is five by five. 一切都好。 Six(6) Deep six someone(to)[黑话]除掉某人 I want you to go deep six him. 我要你去干掉他。 At sixes and sevens 乱七八糟,凌乱 I havent had time to clear up, so Im all at sixes and sevens. 我还没空收拾, 所以什么都是乱七八糟的。 Seven(7) Seventh heaven(in)狂喜 It was wonderful being on vaction for a whole month. I was in seventh heaven! 整整放一个月假,真是太好了。我简直是欢喜若狂! Eight(8) Behind the eight ball处于不利地位 I want to be honest with the boss, but if I tell him the truth, he may fire me. I feel like Im behind the eight ball on this one. 我是想老老实实的给老板讲,可是又怕告诉他真相之后他会炒了我,我真是进 两难。 Nine(9) Cloud nine(on)兴奋,极其愉快 Ever since she met Tom, shes been on cloud nine. 自从认识了汤姆, 她感到无比快乐。 Dressed to the nines盛装打扮 Last year at her party, everyone was dressed to the nines. 去年在她搞的派对上,大家都作了精心的打扮。 Ten(10) Ten(to be a)第一流,优秀 That girl is beautiful. Shes a real ten! 那女孩很漂亮,简直可以打满分! Top ten流行歌曲十佳派行榜 Her song just made top ten! 她那首歌刚好打入了十佳派行榜! 2


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