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This passage mainly deals with ____.This passage is mainly about ____.What’s the main idea /point/topic/subject /theme/of this passage?The best title for this passage is ____.What does this passage mainly discuss?What is the purpose of ……? The most appropriate title is ……?The main idea of the passage is _______What does the passage mainly deal with?The article is written to explain______The second paragraph uses the facts to develop the essential idea that______Which of the following best gives the main idea of……?MethodsDo it as the last oneFind out the key sentence in the passage. Usually it’s a beginning/ ending one.Pay attention to the key words like “summary, in a word, as a result, finally, in short, in conclusion, or in brief”主题句和标题主题句在词法和句法上是一整句,而标题在结构上往往是单词或短语。主题句对整篇起统帅作用,而标题则内含较深。标题隐含在主题句中,主题句只能使考生定标题时有所启发,根据主题句进行再抽象,然后找标题选择标题的原则:1.概括性原则2.针对性原则3.醒目性原则How to write a good title? Characteristics of titles:大小写: 1. ADVERTISING 2. TICKET TO SUCCESS语言风格: 3. A City of Heroes 4. Heroes of the North省略: 5. Football: a good career choice? 6. Roots of Chinese culture如何浓缩中心句?例如: 某一文章的中心句为:Coffee is a universal drink that is served in different ways around the world.标题(不超过4个单词):Coffee: a universal drink ◆A Universal Drink—CoffeeThe view of the author:According to the author, ……In the author’s opinion,……The attitude of the author:What is the tone/ mood of the passage?The author’s attitude towards…might be summarized as (seems to be)作者态度题的解题技巧某一事物是好是坏。作者对它是支持还是反对,态度都非常明确,而带中立色彩的词最不可能是正确答案。问作者对某事物的态度时,表示“客观”的词多为正确选项,如:objective, impartial, unbiased等;问作者对其提到的人们的观点的态度时,答案只能是肯定或否定,支持或反对。如:critical, approval, opposition, supporting等。既然写了文章,那么作者的态度就不可能漠不关心,因此见到indifferent,uninterested这类词可以首先排除。注意不要把考生自己的好恶态度糅进其中,要注意区分作者本人的态度和作者引用的观点的态度。当作者的态度没有明确提出时,考生要学会根据作者使用的词语的褒贬性去判断作者态度,如:wonderful(y),successful(y),positive(ly),active(ly),negative(ly), unfortunate(ly), doubtful(ly)等。neutral.中性positive积极negative否定critical,批评approval/approving赞成indifference不关心(首先排除)uninterested(首先排除)enthusi


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