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A. feedback B. benchmarking C. rewards D. Human resource management E. benefit F. on-the-job G. performance H. downsizing I. Direct cost J. output ______ refers to the practices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnel aspects of your management job 人力资源管理指的是对组织的人实施的各种操作和政策。 Labor turnover rates provide a valuable means of ______ the effectiveness of HR policies and practices and organization. 劳动变更率提供了一个有价值的方法来衡量组织人力资源政策和操作的有效性。 Labor turnover can be costly. ______ of the recruiting and training replacements should be considered. 劳动变更的成本很昂贵。招聘和培训替代人员的直接成本必须被考虑在内。 Business process re-engineering techniques are deployed as instruments for ______ . 业务流程再造技术可以被使用来作为规模精简的工具。 Evaluations also fulfill the purpose of providing ______ to employees on how the organization views their performance. 绩效评估还是实现了这样一个目的:它告知员工组织是如何看待他们绩效的 The ______ of the job analysis should be a training or learning specification 工作分析的结果可以使培训或学习规范书。. Coaching is a personal ______ technique designed to develop individual skills, knowledge, and attitudes. 教练式指导是一种在职的技术,它被用来开发员工的技能、知识、和态度。 Extrinsic ______ include direct compensation, indirect compensation, and nonfinancial rewards. 外在报酬包括直接报酬、间接报酬、非财务性报酬 Flexible benefits allow employees to pick and choose from among a menu of ______ options. 灵活的福利计划允许员工从一个福利菜单中作选择。 China’s economic reformers have used material incentives in order to stimulate ______ 中国的经济改革家曾经使用物质激励来刺激绩效。 1D 2B 3I 4H 5A 6J 7F 8C 8E 10G A. reward B. job analysis C. Human Resource Managment D. ethics E. benefit program F. human capital G agency H. goals I contracts J recruiting For managers, the challenge of fostering intellectual or ______ lies in the fact that such workers mush be managed differently than were those of previous generations. 对于经理们来说,培养知识型员工和人力资本的挑战在于现在的工人和上一代大不相同。 In summary, ______ is an integral part of every manager’s job 总的来说人力资源管理是每个管理者工作中的组成部分。 In the area of ______ and hiring, it’s the line manager’s responsibility ot specify


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