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江山红叶中英文对照 2010-12-10 18:05 The jiangshan hongye 作者 周勇T he author zhou 长江三峡,我们的家园。 The Yangtze gorges, our homeland. 千百年来,我们生于斯,长于斯,耳鬓厮磨似乎不能再熟悉了。 For thousands of years, we were born in, the senior crais, love each other cant seem to again familiar. 文人墨客关于三峡的歌赋诗词何止千百,名篇佳作,流光溢彩。 Cultural persons GeFu poetry about three gorges of millions, more renowned bestseller, time excessive colour. 然而,吟咏冬日三峡的却是不多,尤其是对三峡冬日精灵的评点和咏叹,更是凤毛麟角。 However, perpetual winter yet have three gorges, especially for the three gorges winter elf notes and roads, more rare. 2006年冬,我来到渝东门户巫山县。 2006 winter, I came to chongqing east portal wushan. 那一天,上天对我似乎格外眷顾,难得的冬日阳光洒了一江一船。 That day, the heaven I seem to be extraordinarily visited, rare winter sun spilt one river ship. 蓦然抬头,一抹红色抢入了我的眼帘,遂舍舟登岸,追寻而去。 Suddenly look up, and with a red rob into my eyes, hence boat ashore, locating shebna and go. 攀援悬崖绝壁,穿行荆棘丛林,跋涉荒山野岭,脚手软,心惊胆颤。 Climbing escarpment, through the jungle, trudging thorns feet relent, fear wukong, please. 正惊怵间,眼前景色美轮美奂:大江之上、峡谷两岸、远山近岭、层林尽染。 Are surprised exciting between, the scenery beautiful ornate: dajiang above, canyon on both sides, the distant hills, around nearly. 哦,三峡红叶———藏匿千年的精灵! Oh, the three gorges hongye --, hiding millennium elf! 一片纯朴厚重的红叶,一湾浓妆淡抹的三峡。 A simple massiness hongye, one bay thick makeup weak wipe the three gorges. 这一刻,我忽然发现,我们需要重读新三峡,发现新三峡,进而发展新三峡。 This moment, suddenly I found, we need three gorges, discovering new reread new three gorges, thus developing new three gorges. 翌日,一则电视新闻从这里发出,壮美峡江的冬日景象,顿时惊动国人,誉满华夏。 The next day, a TV news from here, the magnificence of the XiaJiang issued winter scene, suddenly stirred compatriots, reputation full huaxia. 2007年冬,我又到三峡,再见峡江红叶。 2007 year winter, I again to the three gorges, goodbye XiaJiang maple leaves. 天下红叶,并无二致,无非是秋日之作,以红惹人。 The maple leaves, and no two cause, no more than is autumn mastepiece, with red provoking. 然而这一刻,站在峡江边上,十二峰下,瞿塘峡中,我似有新悟: However this moment, standing in XiaJiang edge, twelve peaks, qutang gorge, I


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