人人说英语中级-unit 1-1.doc

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人人说英语中级-unit 1-1

北京**高级技术学校教案 任课教师: 科 目: 人人说英语中级 编号: 1 授 课 章 节 名 称 Unit 1 Shopping Turning In Task 1 审 批 签 字 授课班级 11(话高)、12检高(1、3) 授课时数 2 授课时间 第1周(1) 授课方法 讲授 教 具 多 媒 体, 黑 板 教学目的 及 要 求 Master the new words and main sentence structures; To attend English-speaking shoppers; Do oral practice. 教学重点、 难点 重点:1. Master new words and main sentence structure 2. Attend English-speaking shoppers; 3. Do oral practice. 难点: Identify different kinds of clothing. 作业 Recite new words and main sentence structures. 教   学  过  程 【导入】Today, we are beginning to learn the intermediate level of the Speak Up. The contents of this book is a little more difficult that the basic edition. There are a lot of practical scenes which is quite similar with daily lives. As usual, it needs you to read more, recite more, and speak more. 【新课】 Unit 1 Shopping Turning In Task 1 【小结】Today is the first class of the new term, we have learned some new words and expressions about shopping. It is easy for us to shop abroad if we have mastered the words and expressions. 【作业】 Recite Turning In and Tasks; Do Exercise 2; Write bold news and expressions in the notebook. 教 学 后 记 教 案 纸 教学内容、组织、教法、要求 说 明 【导入】Today, we are beginning to learn the intermediate level of the Speak Up. The contents of this book is a little more difficult that the basic edition. There are a lot of practical scenes which is quite similar with daily lives. As usual, it needs you to read more, recite more, and speak more. 【新课】 Unit 1 Shopping Turning In Task 1 Step 1 Turning In. Listen to the recording. Read aloud and learn by heart the following 10 sentences: Good morning, can I help you? 早上好,您买点什么? What kind do you have in mind? 您想买点什么? have something in mind 想要买某样东西或有想买的东西 How about this one? 这个怎么样? How about…? …怎么样? Aren’t these paintings wonderful? 这些画不错吧 wonderful 表示赞叹,其它常用的表达还有fantastic, gorgeous, fabulous等。 Would you like to have a closer look at it? 你要不要仔细看看?


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