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It seems imprudent to refuse the offer of an expedient that is so ______ success.Contingent onReminiscent ofInimical toRequisite forSubordinate toAlthough most of the faculty were ____ in their praise for Irrin’s tenure as university president, Dayal created a completely different impression in her hagiographic account of Irrin’s leadership.UnabashedEnthusiasticInsincereObsequiousCircumspectFortunately, the writer does not, in general, ______ her practice of withholding the perpetrator’s identity until the last chapter, since one of the greatest pleasure of reading her mystery novels is speculating about the culprit’s identity.Expend onDeviate fromRationalizeDisguiseRely onOverly strict parent’s too often respond to their children’s actions asymmetrically, ____ them when they do wrong but never rewarding them when they behave _____.Chastising…laudablyCommending…disobedientlyPenalizing…impulsivelyIgnoring…approximatelyThe company may soon have some legal issues to address, given that some of its new policy appears to _____ recently passed legislation.ContraveneComply withGive credenceDisambiguateUnderlieThe result of the latest survey being ____ earlier result gave researchers little relevant experience for the new data’s interpretation.SuperfluousInconsequentialTediousUnexampledFamiliarIn noting that critical and popular opinions about Li’s art coincided Chuang ____ the existence of an exception to her theory, which posited that critic’s views did not insect with those of the general public.SuppressedQuestionedForecastConcededRefutedobservableindiscernable1 ^ {5 R: {: i4 k) f( gcalaminous felicitous6 V8 m- N: s l5 z8 n) B- O/ l* jpernitenceobdurancy 。 Q3 ^ c0 i g! {5 n6 ?rile(denunciation?)praise# ^: {4 b3 ]1 a7 k, J6 N Ycoyfrank?- Z??? A# Q- x, q2 pdebarkenter a vehicle8 s: w2 x! X! P) }2 midleactive! [7 i% B G$ B1 Idemoteadvance(?) [5 Z e0 p. M, V3 gintangiblepalpable(?) D r+ a8 G, k, z* Ktherapeticinjurious7 P- b* }3 f/ I5 xpervalencescarcity(?有这个选项么,忘记了)% A% o)


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