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summary writing(学生)

高三英语暑假班(学生版)教师日期2016-6-23学生课程编号课型 summary专题课题summary教学目标了解上海高考summary的考查要求,掌握做题步骤及技巧。教学重点掌握summary考点要求及做题技巧教学安排版块时长1Summary技巧呈现35分钟2专题复习30分钟3师生总结5分钟42016高考题50分钟Summary writingDirections: Please read the following passage and write a summary of it in no more than 60 words.In the United States, employees typically work five days a week for eight hours each day. However, many employees want to work a four-day week and are willing to accept less pay in order to do so. Amandatory (法定的) policy requiring companies to offer their normal pay will benefit the individual companies, the economy as a whole as well as the employees who decide to take the option.The shortened workweek will increase company profits because employees will feel more rested and alert, and as a result, they will make fewer costly errors in their work. Hiring more staff to ensure that the same amount of work will be accomplished will not result in additional payroll cost(工资成本) because four-day employees will only be paid 80 percent of the normal rate. In the end, companies will have fewer overworked and error-prone (容易出错的) employees for the same money, which will increase company profits. For the economy as a whole, one of the primary benefits of offering this option to employees is that it will reduce unemployment rates. If many full-time employees started working fewer hours, some of their workload would have to be shifted to others. Thus, for every four employees who went on an 80 percent week, a new employee can be hired at the 80 percent rate. Finally, the option of a four-day workweek will be better for individual employees. Employees who can afford a lower salary in exchange for more free time can improve the quality of their lives by spending the extra time with their families, pursuing private interests, or enjoying leisure activities._________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __________________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________


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