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红色字体上作业 Unit One Learn a Foreign Language for Your Career P4第五题 The reason for his death was 1ack of medical care. 2、John made a list of all the things he had to do. 3、The subject is not included in the school curriculum. 4、The students have to learn a foreign language just because of a decision taken by someone in authority. 5、We put forward a tentative suggestion at the meeting . 6、He doesn’t learn English because he wants to study abroad;he just learns it for fun. 7、He might well have passed the exam if he hadn’t missed several classes. 8、The first time he attended the class, he was attracted by the active atmosphere of the class. 9、We should apply our book knowledge to practice. 10、A wounded panda was found dying at the foot of the mountain. Unit Two Job Hunt P27 第二题 1.package 2.literate 3.relevant 4.proven 5.qualified 6.contact 7.preferably 8.dedicated 9.resume 10.expand l 1.1eading 12. motivated P28 第三题 1、合格的有才干的工程师 2、快速发展的再生能源工业 3、优异的工作业绩 4、精通电脑的 5、相关经验 6、特别优厚的工资和福利待遇7、有强烈的团队意识 8、有上进心的 9、致力于 10、达到最高可能的水准 11、为达到预期的增长目标 12、开创并完成项目 13、出色的交际才能 14、实现高度发展和市场渗透 15、随函,附函第四题 1.玛丽告诉我说这家图书馆有莎士比亚全集。(complete a.完整的,完全的) 2.恶劣的天气耽搁了大楼的修建,今年无法完工了。(complete V.完成) 3.政府在港口开始一项新工程,以增加港口容量。(project n.工程,项目) 4.那是一块形状怪异的岩石,中间是突出的。(project V.突出,伸出) 5.她对十九世纪后期的儿童文学有相当大的影响。(considerable a.相当大的,值得考虑的) 6.你考虑得真周到,让我们知道此事。(considerate a.周到的,体贴的) 7.市中心的许多老房子正在翻修,看上去好看多了。(renew V.更新) 8.除了风能以外,还有其它的再生能源。(renewable d.可更新的,可再生的)9.咱们按照法律程序处理这个问题。(procedure n.程序,步骤)10.煤是由死亡的森林经化学反应而形成的。(process n.过程) 11.这些是加工食品,可能含有有害的添加剂。(process V.加工,处理)12.新精密仪器质量好,形状也好看。(quality v.质量) 13.约翰在学习班结业,获得了教汉语的资格。(qualify V.使有资格,使合格) 14.招聘者要明确求职者有相应的资格。(qualification n.资格;资格证书) P29 第五题 l. seek 2. with 3.responsibilities 4. advantage 5. required 6.including 7. For 8.With第六题 Electronic EngineerThe main responsibilities of the Electronic Engineer are to install and maintain electronic equipment. This position involves working closely with peopl


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