旅游观光句型汇总(Unit 2).docx

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旅游观光句型汇总(Unit 2)

旅游观光句型汇总一、导游串词开场介绍大家早上好。我叫Mary,是今天带领大家步行游览本市的两位本地导游之一。Hello everybody. My name is Mary. I am one of the two local guides that will accompany you on a conducted walk round the city today.各位朋友大家好,我是这个景区的管委会主任。Hello dear friends, I am the Director of the Administrative Committee.今天我带领大家游览中国著名的园林名胜——拙政园。Today I will show you around a well-known garden in China, Zhuozheng Garden.斯通先生和夫人,欢迎你们到北京来。我是外事办公室的刘连生。你们在北京期间由我担任向导,我将尽力使你们在北京过得愉快。一路上幸苦了!Welcome to Beijing, Mr. and Mrs Stone! I am Liu Liansheng from the Foreign Affairs Office. I’ll act as your guide and try my best to make your stay in Beijing a pleasant one. I hope you’ve had a nice trip.行程安排一日游是没人960元。 960RMB per person for the one-day tour.这个价格包括了中午和晚上两顿饭,不包括饮料。The price includes two standard meals, but not drinks.费用已经包含在门票里了。 The cost is included in the entrance fee.这是我们旅行社提供的旅行合同,一式两份。Here is the contract prepared by our agency. There are two copies.请仔细阅读这份旅游合同,如无异议请在下面签字。Please read carefully the travel contract. If there are no problems, please sign your name at the bottom.我们明天早上八点出发,记得带上护照。We’ll set off at eight o’clock tomorrow. Don’t forget your passport.旅行社的大巴明天一早会来酒店接你们去码头。Next morning the tour bus will pick you up at the hotel and take you to the dock.我们有大巴到湖区,每小时一班。There is a coach trip to the Lake District on each hour.今晚我们先到酒店入住,第二天早上坐大巴出发。Well check into the hotel tonight, and leave by bus tomorrow morning.一会儿会有人把大家的行李抬下车送到房间。Your luggage/baggage will be downloaded from the bus and taken to your rooms in a few minutes.大家在前台拿到钥匙后,请找到各自的房间,看看行李是否送到了房间。Once you have picked up your key at reception, please locate your room and check that all your luggage has arrived.退房时房卡交给前台,并保留收据。When you check out, please return the key card to the reception desk and keep the receipt.一直往前走,你就可以看到旅游服务中心了。Walk straight ahead and you will see the tourist service center.游客中心24小时受理游客的投诉。 The tourist center handles complaints 24 hours a day.本次游览十点整开始,大约要持续两个小时。The tour starts at 10 o’clock sharp and lasts about two hours.我


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