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Issue Topics 说明: 我的分类是对在网上流行的分类题库做了一些小修改。 尽可能把相近的题目放在一起,所以题号不一样按顺序排列。 另外,我删除多次重复的题号。 国际类(International)的两道题,我做了移动。 NO.11 大学题,移至Education -- Education Society NO.13 语言题,移至Politics -- Others 标黑体的题目是孙远推荐的练习题。 高频题根据寄托天下必威体育精装版机经(2006.3.2)整理,包括2005年及2006年3月的题目:2005年频率在20次以上(含20次)或2006年1月至3月频率在3次以上(含3次)。频率标注分为两部分,前一部分指2005年2月-9月的频率,后一部分表示2006年1-3月的频率。非高频的孙远题后面也列出频率统计。 欢迎指正。 Redhobor 2006/3/5 No.1 Study Study Methods (2) 28 Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little. 学生们只有在学习了有助于理解事实的思想、趋势和概念后才可能记住这些事实。孤立学习事实是学不到东西的。 Students can remember these facts by studying the thoughts, trends and theories which contribute to understanding these facts. They can learn nothing by study only. 事实:facts可数 后一句话虽然没有主语,鉴于前一句的主语是students因此需要用它作为主语,而且用了从句。 Students should memorize facts only after they have studies the ideas, trends and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only have learned very little. 42 Because learning is not a solitary activity but one that requires collaboration among people, students of all ages will benefit academically if they work frequently in groups. 学习不是个人行为,而是需要人们的合作,所以各个年级的学生如果经常在一个群体里工作,他们将会在学业上获益非浅。 Study is not an individual behavior, but a group work. In this matter, if students of all grades often work as a group, they will gain more in their study. 句子中有“所以”是因果关系,因此需要有体现的连词,此处用了because。 Study和learn的区别? 个人行为:solitary activity. Study Practice (3) 57 The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is much richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience. 书中学到的知识远比实际经验中学到的知识要深广。 117 The depth of knowledge to be gained from books is richer and broader than what can be learned from direct experience. 从书本中所学的知识要比从直接的实践中学到的更丰富、更广博。 204 We learn through direct experience; to accept a theory without experiencing it is to learn nothing at all. 我们通过直接经验学习;没有通过实践而接受一个理论是学不到任何东西的。


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