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高考语文成语 英语翻译2

51. 繁文缛(rù)节:不必要的仪式或礼节繁多。也比喻多余锁碎的手续。文,礼节,仪式;缛,繁多,烦琐。英译1: unnecessary and overelaborate elaborate formalities(礼节) 英译: 52. 匪夷所思:指言谈行动超出常情,不是一般人所能想像的。夷,平常。英译1:No common[ordinary] person could think of it 英译: 53. 分庭抗礼:原指宾主相见,站在庭院的两边,相对行礼。现在用来比喻平起平坐,互相对立。英译1: stand up to sb.as an equal英译: 54. 纷至沓来:纷纷到来,连续不断地到来。英译1: come as thick as hailcome in a continuous stream 英译: 55. 粉墨登场:化妆上台演戏。今多比喻登上政治舞台(含讥讽意)。英译1:make oneself up and go on the stage 英译: 56. 俯拾皆是:只要弯下身子来捡,到处都是。形容地上的某一些东西、要找的某一类例证、文章中的错别字等很多。也说“俯拾即是”。英译1: can be found everywherebe easily available 英译: 57. 感同身受:心里很感谢,如同亲身感受到恩惠一样。多用于代人向对方致谢。英译1: feel grateful as a personal kindness英译: 58. 高屋建瓴(líng):形容居高临下,不可阻挡的形势。建,倾倒;瓴,水瓶。英译1: operate from a strategically advantageous position as pouring water off a steep roofpour water off a steep roof -- sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height 英译: 59. 革故鼎新:去掉旧的,建立新的。英译1: destroy the old and establish the newdiscard the old ways of life in favour of the new 英译: 60. 各行其是:各自按照自己以为正确的一套做。是,对,正确。英译1: Each goes his own way Each does what he thinks is right.act as one pleases; 英译: 61. 狗尾续貂:比喻拿不好的东西接到好的东西后面,显得好坏不相称(多指文学作品)。英译1: like patching up a sable coat with a dogs tailmake an unworthy continuation of a great work 英译: 62. 功亏一篑(kuì):比喻事情只差最后一点没有完成。亏,缺少;篑,土筐。英译1:fail to succeed for lack of a final effor;a slip between the cup and the lip 英译: 63. 故步自封:比喻安于现状,不求进步。故步,走老步子;封,限制住。“故”也作“固”。英译1: stand still and refuse to make progressbe content with staying where one is 英译: 64. 光怪陆离:形容奇形怪状,五颜六色。光怪,光彩奇异;陆离,色彩繁杂英译1: lustrous and dazzling英译: 65. 管窥蠡(lí)测:比喻对事物的观察和了解很狭窄、很片面。蠡,贝壳做的瓢。英译1: have a very narrow mental outlook英译: 66. 鬼斧神工:形容建筑、雕塑等技艺的精巧。也说神工鬼斧。英译1: uncanny workmanshipextraordinary as if done by the spirits 英译: 67. 过眼云烟:比喻很快就消失的事物。英译1: a passing scene as floating as fleeting smoke and passing clouds英译: 68. 海市蜃楼:比喻人世繁华的虚幻,虚幻的事物。英译1: strange and unreal appearanceflyaway 英译: 69. 邯郸学步:比喻模仿不到家,却把自己原来会的东西忘了。语出《庄子》。英译1: imitate others thus lose ones own indivi


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