世界十大品牌巧克力 英文版.docx

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世界十大品牌巧克力 英文版

全球十大顶级巧克力品牌排行出炉发布时间:?2013-01-18 09:54?来源:中奢网日前评出全球十大巧克力品牌。这些品牌出品的纯黑巧克力、奶油夹心巧克力、酒心巧克力、果仁巧克力、水果夹心巧克力、松露巧克力、巧克力软糖等等美味让人简直欲罢不能。排名第一的是瑞士已有70年历史的顶级巧克力特舒亚(Teuscher),旗下产品有100多个品种,在北美、欧洲、中东、加勒比海地区都开有专卖店。特舒亚对品质的管控极为严苛,只选用上佳的天然原料,成本再高也在所不惜,像化学合成物、添加剂、防腐剂这类的东西更是绝对没有。香槟松露巧克力是特舒亚的特色产品。剩下的9个品牌中,有5个是美国制造。而一些久负盛名的品牌,如成立于1857年的比利时纽豪斯(Neuhaus)和法国的米歇尔·柯兹(Michel Cluizel),以及意大利的巧克力界新贵Amedei,这次却榜上无名。The 10 Best Chocolatiers in the WorldPosted by?Intelligent Travel?on?December 28, 2012An array of chocolates at the Godiva Factory. (Photograph by Everjean, Flickr)1.?Teuscher?(Zurich, Switzerland)Teuscher’s version of a box of chocolate. (Photograph by MaakoTazawa, Flickr)The Teuscher chocolate tradition began more than 70 years ago in a small town in the Swiss Alps. DolfTeuscher scoured the world to find the finest cocoa, marzipan, fruits, nuts, and other ingredients with which to make his confectionery. After years of experimenting, he skillfully blended these ingredients into his now famous recipes.Today the Teuscher kitchens in Zurich make more than 100 varieties of chocolates using these original recipes, which have been handed down from father to son. Only the finest and most expensive natural ingredients are used, and absolutely no chemicals, additives, or preservatives are added.The house specialty is a champagne truffle, a blend of fresh cream, butter, and chocolate with a champagne cream center, dusted with confectioner’s sugar. Chocolates are flown to Teuscher stores worldwide weekly.2.?Vosges Haut-Chocolat?(Chicago, Illinois, USA)Owner and chocolatier Katrina Markoffchooses every spice, flower, and chocolate that is flown into the Vosges kitchen to be transformed into fine chocolates. She learned the art of French confectionery at Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. Further inspired by her global apprenticeships, infusions of rare spices and flowers are combined with premium chocolate in truffles such as Mexican vanilla bean and Argentinean dulce de leche.3.?Scharffen Berger Chocolate Maker,


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