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CollegeBoard官方新SAT样题阅读部分解析 此次CollegeBoard发布的新SAT阅读样题包括3种题材5篇文章,其中Literature1有1篇,Science有2篇,Social historical study有2篇。本文将就其中Literature和Science这两类文章进行解析。首先来看Literature这篇文章,考察重点是人物描写和人物关系(可参考2009年5月真题“An escaped governess”)。 对照老SAT相关题型和考点发现,这5道题目中只有第4题是新题型,考查的是文本依据(citing textual evidence),这种题目要求在文中找出支持上一题答案的依据,目的是引导学生有理有据地解读原文,非常符合新SAT阅读改革的大方向:Evidence-based reading. 其余四个题目在考点设计上与旧SAT类似,只是选项由旧SAT的五个减少为四个,且答错不再倒扣分。 【文章大意】 Mattie Silver是Ethan家的年轻女佣,这篇文章讲述了男主人Ethan对这位女佣的感情。 第一段,Ethan初见Mattie时就喜欢上了她,觉得她给自己原本冷清的生活带来了活力。 第二段,Ethan觉得自己对自然美景有一种常人无法理解的感伤情绪。而当他和Mattie在一起时,他觉得终于有人能够跟他心灵相通,做他的知己。 第三段,Ethan看到社交场合的Mattie,才意识到他原本以为Mattie只有跟他在一起时才会流露的感情和动作,其实并非他独有,而自己居然以为她真的对自己无聊的谈话感兴趣。 【题目解析】 Question 1.Over the course of the passage, the main focus of the narrative shifts from the A. reservations a character has about a person he has just met to a growing appreciation that character has of the person’s worth. B. ambivalence a character feels about his sensitive nature to the character’s recognition of the advantages of having profound emotions. C. intensity of feeling a character has for another person to the character’s concern that that intensity is not reciprocated. D. value a character attaches to the wonders of the natural world to a rejection of that sort of beauty in favor of human artistry. 答案:C 解析:前两段是Ethan对Mattie的强烈感情,第三段Ethan意识到这种感情其实只是自己一厢情愿,并不是相互的。 考点:文章结构(text structure) Question2. In the context of the passage, the author’s use of the phrase “her light step flying to keep time with his long stride” (line 6) is primarily meant to convey the idea that A. Ethan and Mattie share a powerful enthusiasm. B. Mattie strives to match the speed at which Ethan works. C. Mattie and Ethan playfully compete with each other. D. Ethan walks at a pace that frustrates Mattie. 答案:A 解析:由第二段可以看出,黄昏时Mattie和Ethan手挽手一起回农场的这段路上,两人分享着自然美景给他们带来的感受,步伐轻快强调他们心情愉悦兴奋。 考点: 措辞与态度(use of specific words and phrases to shape meaning and tone) Question 3. The description in the first paragraph indicate


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