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Mid-Term Test The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,constitutional _monarchy_is located off the northwest European continent. monarch,eastern B.republic,southern C.monarchy,western D.commonwealth,northern Production of oil from North Sea wells began in ______and by 1979 the country was self-sufficient in petroleum. A.1975 B.1974 C.1970发现 D.1969 Great Britain is the ______ most densely populated nation in Europe,and the greatest population is in __________. second,Scotland B.first,England C.third,wales D.forth,England The hereditary世袭的 monarch of England plays a largely ______ role in the government. essential B.vital C.indispensable D.ceremonial Roman rule of Britain began in the early _______ century. A.5th B.6th C.1st D.4th Raid by Vikings,begun in the late 8th cent,turned into full-scale invasion in 865,and by _____ the Dane Canute ruled all of England. A.1116 B.978 C.1066 D.1016 Norman Conquest of England took place partly due to the dreadful mistake made by ____ . Henry II B.Richard III C.Alfred the Great D.Edward the Confessor The Conquest of England in 1066 by the Norman William ushered in a new era in English history with the introduction of ______. agrarian society B.slavery C.capitalism D.feudalism The First Tudor monarch Henry _____ ascended to the English throne in _____ during which time England entered Renaissance age. VII,1485 B.VII,1509 C.Vi,1422 D.V,1413 During the hundred years’ war with France,which began in _____,a French heroine called _____ rallied French force to fight against the English and finally reconquered their country. A.1337,Isabella B.1337,Joan of Are C.1348,Elanor D.1399,Margaret Whose accession to the English throne in 1603 after Elizabeth I died united England with Scotland? Mary B.Edward V C.James I D.Charles I English civil war from 1642 to 1648 is a war between _______. House of York and House of Lancaster The upper class headed by the king


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