大学英语快速阅读课文Pets带翻译 课后习题答案Pets.docx

大学英语快速阅读课文Pets带翻译 课后习题答案Pets.docx

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大学英语快速阅读课文Pets带翻译 课后习题答案Pets

PetsThere are different ideas about pets in different parts of the world. In most cultures, animals have an inferior position to human beings. In most instances, however, people treat their pets like members of their families, or perhaps better. In the United States, and Europe, where pets are very popular, there are special shops that sell jewelry, clothing, and gourmet (美味的) food for cats and dogs. There are shops on fashionable streets in New York City, for example, that sell gold and diamond collars, fur jackets, hats and mittens for pets.In many countries of the world, there is special food for pets. It is common for supermarkets in many places to sell cat food and dog food. However, in Nice, France, there is a special restaurant for dogs. Dogs are the only customers. There is seating for 20 of them.On the menu, there are varieties of special gourmet dishes for dogs to choose from. There is a sausage dish, a turkey dish, and a pasta dish, among others. For dessert, there is a variety of French cheeses and, of course, dog biscuits.In the U.S., there is a very rich cat who can afford to go to any restaurant he chooses. His name is Kitty Cat. Kitty Cat inherited 100,000 dollars when his owner died. In addition, the owner left Kitty Cat a beautiful mansion to live in. There is a person who comes to the mansion every day to feed and take care of Kitty Cat.Of course, in most parts of the world, pets dont live in such wealth and luxury. There is a more practical and functional attitude towards pets. People own cats and dogs because they keep away mice and other unwanted animals. Certainly, owners generally have their affectionate feelings for their pets. However, they do not see them as equal to family members. In most places in the world, there isnt any special clothing, or jewelry, or gourmet food for animals. There arent special restaurants for dogs. There are no rich cats who live in mansions.Pets around the world live in a great variety of ways, just as people do


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