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Day 2 Statements [解题技巧] Statements----单句理解是中口听力的题型,总分为10分,每题1分。每道题题目长度约为15-20秒,然后45秒时间学生阅读选项并选择。在做该题过程中,一定要有预读的习惯,一般建议预读6题左右。预读的过程中要仔细圈画关键词,预测该题的考点,判断该题的话题,这样便能将问题一一解决。 我们就1203的真题来做进一步讨论。 [真题精讲] 1203 中口单句理解 Statements 语气判断 1. My computer doesn’t seem to be working. I have lots of e-mail letters that I have to reply this afternoon. Can I use the one over there on the desk? 1. (A) Could you fix the computer for me? (B) Could you reply the e-mail letters for me? (C) I’ll be waiting for e-mail letters this afternoon. (D) I hope I can use another computer to send e-mail letters. use the one 就是前句所提到的内容,不难得出正确答案。 语气判断 2. We have little choice about when to send the bidding documents. Yesterday was too soon to send it and tomorrow will be too late. 2. (A) It is too late to send the bidding documents now. (B) The bidding documents should be sent yesterday. (C) The bidding documents can be sent tomorrow. (D) The bidding documents must be sent today. Little choice首先表明我们送达文件的时间没有选择,昨天太早,而明天太晚,因而今天是唯一的选择。Bidding document为投标文件。 语气判断 3. Alice has been offered the manager’s job. Although she has hardly any relevant working experience. This is a big surprise even for herself. 3. (A) Alice worked so hard that she was soon offered the manager’s job. (B) Alice didn’t expect that she would be given the manager’s job. (C) Alice got the job she wanted with the help from the manager. (D) Alice didn’t enjoy the manager’s job and she quitted, to everyone’s surprise. a big surprise和选项中的didn’t expect呼应。Relevant表示相关的。注意hardly几乎不这个否定。 转折判断 4. You can learn something about a place by reading a travel book. But you’ll be more interested and more fascinated when you actually travel there. 4. (A) It is necessary for you to read a travel book before you start a trip. (B) It is more interesting if you can visit that place in person. (C) Reading a travel book will greatly enrich your experience. (D) You will be more fascinated if you take a travel book along. actually travel = visit s


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