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For office use only T1 ________________ T2 ________________ T3 ________________ T4 ________________ Team Control Number 2222 ? Problem Chosen C For office use only F1 ________________ F2 ________________ F3 ________________ F4 ________________ 2013 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM/ICM) Summary Sheet (Attach a copy of this page to your solution paper.) Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on this page. 2013 ICM Problem Network Modeling of Earths Health Background: Society is interested in developing and using models to forecast the biological and environmental health conditions of our planet. Many scientific studies have concluded that there is growing stress on Earths environmental and biological systems, but there are very few global models to test those claims. The UN-backed Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report found that nearly two-thirds of Earths life-supporting ecosystems— including clean water, pure air, and stable climate— are being degraded by unsustainable use. Humans are blamed for much of this damage. Soaring demands for food, fresh water, fuel, and timber have contributed to dramatic environmental changes; from deforestation to air, land, and water pollution. Despite the considerable research being conducted on local habitats and regional factors, current models do not adequately inform decision makers how their provincial polices may impact the overall health of the planet. Many models ignore complex global factors and are unable to determine the long-range impacts of potential policies. While scientists realize that the complex relationships and cross-effects in myriad environmental and biological systems impact Earths biosphere, current models often ignore these relationships or limit the systems connections. The system complexities manifest in multiple interactions, feedback loops, emergent behaviors, and impending state changes or tipping points. The rec


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