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笔译 课后短文翻译

第四单元 Tariffs may In some developing countries, revenue tariffs provide an important part of the government’s income. Often, however, tariffs are protective, and are designed to carry out a particular economic policy. They may help to reduce a balance of payments deficit or to protect an infant industry against strong international competition from older corporations. A revenue tariff will always provide some protection, and a protective tariff will produce some revenue. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish between revenue and protective tariffs form economic evidence alone. When a tariff is imposed on an import, the direct impact on price is to raise it by the amount of the tariff. Market factors, however, can modify this effect. Hence, the final price increase due to a tariff may be less than, equal to, or more than the amount of the tariff. In contract, the impact of a quota on price is much harder to predict. The effects are particularly uncertain with goods which are not produced at all domestically. For instance, many countries do not have their own car industry, so that an import quota can cause a considerable shift in automobile prices. 征收关税可能只是为了获得收入。有些发展中国家,财政关税在其政府收入中是很重要的一部分。然而,关税又经常具有保护性质,用来贯彻一项特定的经济政策。它有助于减少国际收支逆差,或保护新生工业在国际竞争中顶住来自老资格公司的强大挑战。财政关税总能提供某种保护,一项保护关税会产生一定的收入。因此,单就经济实效而言,很难区分财政关税和保护关税。 对某一进口商品征收关税时,对价格的直接影响就是把它提高到加上税额的水平。然而,市场的因素可以缓和这种影响。所以,因关税而引起的最终商品提价可能低于税额,或与税额相等,或者高于税额。不过,在许多情况下,最终的提价合理地接近税额。对比之下,配额对价格的影响更加难以预测。如果产品根本不是本国制造,其影响就特别地无法确定。例如,许多国家没有汽车工业,所以一项进口配额会使汽车价格出现相当大的波动。 第五单元 One way an organization can find staff for job vacancies is to recruit outside the company. It may opt to put an advertisement in a newspaper or magazine which gives a short description of the job and invites introductory letters form applicants. Since the company would not desire applicants who do not have a good profile, it is important that an application form sent to a prospective applicant should request clear information about such things as the applican


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