关于日本皇室 你应该知道的5件事.docx

关于日本皇室 你应该知道的5件事.docx

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关于日本皇室 你应该知道的5件事

关于日本皇室 你应该知道的5件事关于日本皇室,你应该知道的5件事5 Things to Know About Japan’s Emperor and Imperial Family关于日本皇室,你应该知道的5件事Emperor Akihito of Japan indicated in a rare public address on Monday that he wants to abdicate the throne, which would make him the first Japanese monarch in 200 years to step down. Here are five essential facts about one of the world’s oldest and most cloistered royal families.周一,日本明仁天皇在一次罕见的公开讲话中暗示自己有意退位,这将使他成为该国200年来首个在世退位的君主。日本皇室是世界上最古老也最低调的皇族之一,以下是关于它的五个基本事实。A Lengthy Dynasty古老的君主制度The imperial house of Japan is the oldest continuous monarchy in the world.日本天皇制是世界上传承未间断的最古老君主制度。Akihito is the 125th emperor in a line that extends back to the country’s founding in 600 B.C. by the Emperor Jimmu, who legend holds was descended from the sun goddess. Though evidence of the first 25 emperors is shrouded in myth, there is ample historical proof of an unbroken hereditary line from A.D. 500 to today.明仁是日本的第125任天皇,往前一直可以追溯到于公元前600年创建日本的神武天皇,传说他是太阳女神的后裔。尽管前25位天皇存在的证据笼罩着神话色彩,但有充分的历史证据能够证明,从公元后500年至今,日本的皇位世代相传,从未间断。After modern Japanese emperors die, their names are changed to reflect the era in which they ruled. Akihito will be renamed Heisei (“peace everywhere”) for the name of his era, which began with his coronation in 1989. His father, the wartime emperor Hirohito, is posthumously known as Showa, or “radiant Japan.”现代日本天皇去世后,人们会改用他们在位时的年号来称呼他们。明仁会被改称为“平成”,意为“内平外成”,他于1989年即位后便开始使用这个年号。他父亲,也就是战时的天皇裕仁,去世后被改称为昭和,意为“百姓昭明,协和万邦”。Gods and Men神与人的理念The emperor is the head of state and the highest authority of the Shinto religion.天皇是国家元首,也是神道教的最高领袖。Japan is the only modern nation to still refer to the head of its royal family as emperor. In Japanese the emperor is called tenno, or “heavenly sovereign,” a nod to the idea that the imperial family is descended from gods. The monarchy historically maintained a divine right to rule, but it was only in recent centuries that cults around the emperor began to deify rulers as demigods.日本是唯一一个仍对皇室首脑以“皇”相称的国家。日语“天皇”一词符合日本皇室是神的后裔这一理念。日本


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