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北 京 四 中 撰 稿:毕 勤  编 审:李俊和  责 编:隋 瑜 寒假综合练习二   I. 单项选择   (A级)   1. I really appreciate ____ when I was in trouble.   A. you to help me   B. you helping me   C. your helping me   D. you help me   2. ---May I have a look at your newest camera advertised in the paper?     ---Sorry, at present we don’t have any ____.   A. in need    B. in common   C. in use   D. in store   3. The car drove ____ a speed of 50 mph.   A. with   B. at   C. in   D. over   4. The goods ____ much better than what I saw last time.   A. is   B. was   C. are   D. had been   5. My plan is still ____.   A. in the air   B. on the air   C. in the sky   D. on air   6. Much ____ should be paid to this problem.   A. use   B. attention   C. help   D. value   7. The map is ____ to me while I was traveling in London.   A. of very value   B. of great usefulness   C. of great value    D. of valuble   8. I have to ____ the rubbish over there.   A. deal with   B. talk with   C. go with   D. fight with   9. Ive ____ with him for over ten years.   A. caught in touch   B. got in touch    C. kept in touch    D. touched   10. It depends on ____ he’ll come.   A. if   B. whether   C. what   D. where   B级题   I. 单项选择   1. His suggestion _____ to see the art exhibition interested every one of us.   A. that we go         B. which we should go   C. that we would go      D. when we should go   2. I wonder _____ he asked such a silly question in public.   A. how   B. what   C. that   D. why   3. _____ do you think will teach us maths next term?   A. Whom   B. Who   C. What   D. That   4. Are you sure _____?   A. whether she is honest     B. that she is honesty   C. she is honest         D. is she honest   5. He often thinks of _____ he can do more for the four modernizations.   A. what   B. how   C. that   D. which   6. Take _____ much you want and _____ you want to.   A. however/when       B. whenever/how   C. however/whoever      D. however/whenever   7. He wondered


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