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0819翻译:生物入侵者(梅涛)Translation: Invasive Species(Mei Tao)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)当你在路边草地或自家庭院里发现一两只从未见过的甲虫时,你肯定不会感到惊讶。When you find on a roadside grass patch or a family courtyardone or two beetles which you have never seen before, for sure you won’t be alarmed.但在生物学家和生态学家们看来,这或许不是件寻常小事。But from the perspective of biologists and ecologists, maybe it is not a normal trivial matter.专家们把这种原本生活在异国他乡、通过非自然途径迁移到新的生态环境中的“移民”称为“生物入侵者”These “immigrants”,which originallyresided in foreign habitats, have migrated to new ecological environments through unnatural channels.Experts call them “invasive species”.它们不仅会破坏某个地区原有的生态系统,而且还可能给人类社会造成难以估量的经济损失。Not only that they would damage the existing ecosystem of a certain area, furthermore, they could bring about immeasurable economic losses to society of mankind. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------在人类文明的早期,陆路和航海技术尚不发达,In the early years of human civilization, technologies in traveling over land and sea were not fully developed.自然界中的生态平衡并没有受到太大破坏。Ecological equilibrium in nature did not experience severe damages.在自然条件下,一颗蒲公英的种子可能随风飘荡几十千米后才会落地,Under natural conditions, a dandelion seed could possibly drift for several tens of thousands meters in the wind before it hit the ground.如果各种条件适合,它会在那里生根、发芽、成长;If various conditions were suitable, they would take roots, spout, and grow at that spot.山间溪水中的鱼虾可能随着水流游到大江大河中安家落户……Fish and shrimps from mountain creeks could swim to large rivers and waterways to settle down.凡此种种,都是在没有人为干预的条件下缓慢进行的,All these would proceed slowly without human intervention.时间和空间跨度都非常有限,因此不会造成生态系统的严重失衡。The spans of time and space were very limited and so they would not seriously upset the equilibrium of ecosystem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|如果一个物种在新的生存环境中不受同类的食物竞争以及天敌伤害等诸多因素制约,它很可能会无节制地繁衍。If a new species in new living environment is not subject to constraints from various facto


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