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你真的不用以此为耻,这9件事再正常不过了 Being Single 单身 Are you sick and tired of feeling guilty about being single? Youre not alone. WaiveYourFlag was one of many Reddit users who took offence to how others perceived his dating status. “Between naggingparents wondering when the next girlfriend is coming along and friends whose sole goal in life seems to be getting laid, the thought that Id spend a few years doing something else besides trying to meet a woman seems offensive to most people,” he wrote. WaiveYourFlags dilemma is more common than you think. According to a new study, there are 102 million single and unmarried adults in America, and they all have their own reasons for being on their own. Some are too busy for a relationship, while others are afraid of heartbreak. Either way, you’re entitled to live however you want without judgment. 你是不是已经厌倦了单身的负罪感?(我想说的是)你不是一个人。WaiveYourFlag是Reddit(社交新闻站点)的用户之一,他表示很反感其他人对他的恋爱状态发表态度。“一边是喋喋不休的父母想知道你什么时候带下一任女朋友回家,一面是实战经验罄竹难书的朋友,于是似乎谁都不待见你这种想先不找对象而把时间用在自己的事情上的人。”他写道,而他的这种困境比你想象的要平常得多。根据必威体育精装版的调查研究表明,有1亿2百万单身或是未婚成年人,他们选择单身都有他们自己的原因,有的可能是因为太忙了,没有时间维系一段感情,有的则是因为害怕伤心。不管怎样,你有权利按照自己想要的方式生活,不受别人判断的影响。 2. Playing Video Games 玩电子游戏 Reddit user bigedthebad echoed the sentiments of many of his fellow respondents when he insisted he shouldnt feel guilty about playing video games. “Im 59, a marathon runner, have a successful career as an IT guy, have been happily married for 38 years and have 3 kids and 7 grandkids,” he wrote. “Anyone who thinks I spend too much time playing video games can kiss my wrinkled old ball sack.” Bigedthebad isnt alone in his shameless love for video games, though. According to research from the Pew Internet Project, 97% of all American teens and 53% of all adults say they play video games on a regular basis. It seems unfathomable to feel guilty about engaging in such a thoroughly mainstream practice. 名为bigedthebad的Reddit用户认为他不会因为玩电子游戏而感到内疚,他的表达得到了让很多人产生了共鸣。“我今年59岁了,是一个马拉松赛跑者,事业成功的IT男,结婚38年而且很幸福,我有3个孩子、7个孙子辈的孩子,”他写道,“如果谁认为我花太多的时间玩电子


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