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Matt Damons Commencement address: There’s more at stake today than in any story ever told.Thank you.Thank you, President Reif — and thank you, Class of 2016!It’s an honor to be part of this day — an honor to be here with you, with your friends, your professors, and your parents. But let’s be honest — It’s an honor I didn’t earn.Let’s just put that out there. I mean, I’ve seen the list of previous commencement speakers: Nobel Prize winners. The UN Secretary General. President of the World Bank. President of the United States.And who did you get? The guy who did the voice for a cartoon horse.If you’re wondering which cartoon horse: that’s “Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron.”Definitely one of my best performances ... as a cartoon horse.Look, I don’t even have a college degree. As you might have heard, I went to Harvard. I just didn’t graduate from Harvard. I got pretty close, but I started to get movie roles and didn’t finish all my courses. I put on a cap and gown and walked with my class; my Mom and Dad were there and everything; I just never got an actual degree.You could say I kind of fake graduated.So you can imagine how excited I was when President Reif called to invite me to speak at the MIT commencement. Then you can imagine how sorry I was to learn that the MIT commencement speaker does not get to go home with a degree.So yes, today, for the second time in my life, I am fake graduating from a college in my hometown.My Mom and Dad are here again...And this time I brought my wife and four kids. Welcome, kids, to Dad’s fake graduation. You must be so proud.So as I said, my Mom is here. She’s a professor, so she knows the value of an MIT degree.She also knows that I couldn’t have gotten in here.I mean, Harvard, yes. Or a safety school — like Yale.Look, I’m not running for any kind of office. I can say ... pretty much whatever I want.No, I couldn’t have gotten in here, but I did grow up here. Grew up in the neighborhood, in the shadow of this imposing place. My brot


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